Starlo's Family

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Starlo's Family is a group of NPCs residing at the Sunnyside Farm in the Dunes, between the Wild East and the Steamworks. Solomon is Starlo's father, Crestina is his mother and Orion is his brother. Orion was designed by TeleviQ,[1] and Crestina was designed by Figburn and sprited and named by Vegard Jensen.[2]

Profile[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

All family members have astronomy-related appearances. Solomon's head has the appearance of a sun-like star, he has orange mustache, wears blue farm trousers with a star on them, a white shirt with red stripes, and brown shoes. Crestina's head is in a crescent shape, her skin tone is blue and she wears a red dress, also with a star on it. Orion's head is in the shape of a four-pointed star, he wears blue farm trousers, an orange shirt with black sleeves, and brown gloves. He does not have a star shape on his attire, with a pocket in its place.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Ceroba describes Starlo's family as really kind. Solomon and Crestina appear to be understanding towards Starlo's Wild East business. Solomon comments how he's flattered by Starlo putting on his accent, despite both Starlo and Orion having Crestina's voice. Crestina wishes that he grows out of his obsession, finds a wife and settles down.

Solomon states Crestina used to sing but stopped after their sons were born, which he speculates is due to her lack of confidence.

Orion is rather unpleasant towards Clover, seeing them as a Wild East resident. This attitude comes from his annoyance at Starlo due to him having fun in the Wild East, whereas Orion is stuck with the farm work.

Etymology[edit | edit source]

Orion's name comes from the constellation of the same name. Crestina's name might be referencing her crescent head, and Solomon shares his name with a biblical figure, but the significance of this is unknown.

Main Story[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

While Chujin Ketsukane was alive, Starlo's family used to give him baskets full of corn every other week, which eventually ended up at Dalv and his corn field in the Dark Ruins. They were on good terms with the Ketsukane family, as seen by Ceroba asking Chujin to invite them for a picnic in a flashback in her battle on the Pacifist Route.

Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]

Solomon can be found outside the family home on the Sunnyside Farm. He talks about how the farm survived due to Starlo's Wild East business and how the crops are doing good, and tells Clover to stop by the farmers market in the Oasis Valley.

Crestina can be found inside the house, talking about the heartbreak Starlo experienced when Ceroba got engaged to Chujin. She mentions that they might make barbecue and invite Gilbert and Angie over.

Orion is located to the west of the house, next to the farm's crops. He talks about starting an investigation on their crops being grown in Snowdin to protect the business.

In the epilogue of a Pacifist Route, the whole family can be seen selling corn in the Wild East, with Starlo, Orion and the Feisty Four bringing more corn and Crestina giving Ceroba a basket full of corn, which she later brings to Snowdin, to Dalv's house.

Neutral Route[edit | edit source]

If Starlo is killed on a Neutral Route, all family members, as well as Ceroba, are inside the house and worried about his sudden disappearance.

Genocide Route[edit | edit source]

All family members are absent from the farm on a Genocide Route, though it is implied they are hiding in the cellar as whispers can be heard coming from it when inspected.

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Starlo[edit | edit source]

The family has mixed feelings about Starlo's Wild East business. His parents support him in his endeavors, but wish he grows out of it, and Orion is rather annoyed by Starlo having fun while he does the farm work. Starlo's cowboy accent he puts on seems to come from his father, even though his real voice is more similar to his mother's.

Ceroba Ketsukane[edit | edit source]

Ceroba appears to keep in contact with Solomon and Crestina even after Chujin's death. Starlo is frequently brought up in conversations between them.[3]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. other NPCs I designed that I haven’t mentioned are Orion (Starlo’s brother), Sir Slither, the band in Snowdin, Jane Doe, and Bowll - TeleviQ (@TLVQ_) on Twitter, July 10, 2024.
  2. Crestina! - @TheVegardJensen on Twitter, July 10, 2024.
  3. This whole thing is like a dream to him.
    It's kinda goofy but it is nice to see someone so passionate.
    However, passion can go too far.
    You wouldn't believe how much his parents talk to me about it.
    - Ceroba before Clover's second mission in the Wild East