Oasis Valley NPCs

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Drinki[edit | edit source]

Drinki[1] is a quadrupedal monster with a long neck that drinks from the oasis in the center of Oasis Valley. They do not speak to Clover, as they are too busy drinking. After Clover leaves the Steamworks on a Pacifist Route, this NPC disappears.

Aunt Glover[edit | edit source]

Aunt Glover[2] is the aunt of Donald Glover, the similar-looking NPC at the Honeydew Resort hot springs who is missing a mitten. She has recently moved to Oasis Valley and asks Clover questions about the area, presuming they are a local. If Clover returned Donald Glover's mitten, Aunt Glover recognizes them and talks about her nephew and family. After Clover leaves the Steamworks on a Pacifist Route, she disappears.

Rock Man[edit | edit source]

Rock Man,[3] also called Sandman,[4] is a one-eyed monster who seems to be made of sandstone rocks. He can be found in the house near the entrance of Oasis Valley, where he tells Clover about his hobby of taking care of the rare plant life in the Dunes, and reminisces on the area's former lush state before the uncovering of an enormous swelterstone destroyed the area's ecosystem. His house contains a small protected patch of grass, and he is also responsible for planting the sapling found inside a building in the southwest part of town.

After Clover leaves the Steamworks on a Pacifist Route, the Rock Man moves outside to stand by the oasis in the center of town. He notices that many monsters have been visiting the abandoned Ketsukane Estate, and shares his respects for the family.

The Rock Man appears in the True Pacifist ending credits alongside Violetta, tending to the town's flourishing sapling.

Fortune Teller[edit | edit source]

A fortune teller in training found inside the vase-shaped house in the northeast part of Oasis Valley. She[5] offers the telling of "tiny fortunes," small and vague predictions of a person's future, for 5G each. Clover can receive four different fortunes from her, always in the same order:

  • The Fortune Teller predicts that Clover will soon have a large tumble. She quickly realizes that the fortune was actually predicting a large tumbleweed.
  • The Fortune Teller predicts the time that the player's computer clock will read in two minutes, written in 24-hour form.
  • The Fortune Teller sees an ominous warning of death in Clover's future, which frightens her, though she is unsure of how far off it will be.
  • The Fortune Teller sees Frisk from Undertale walking by Hotland's water cooler, at first mistaking them for Clover. She retracts charge for this fortune after seeing it is actually a different person.

The Fortune Teller cannot give any fortunes after this, as her training limits her to four divinations per day.

This NPC is mentioned by the Tall Miner in the East Mines, who recommends Clover stop by and offer her some business.

Hugtony[edit | edit source]

Hugtony[6] is a cactus monster similar to Cactony (or potentially Cactony himself) found running a booth that offers free hugs. When approached, however, he doubles back on his pitch and enters a defensive self-loathing spiral, eventually trying to convince Clover to leave him alone. Unlike most other NPCs in the town, Hugtony's dialogue does not change after completing the Steamworks on a Pacifist Route.

Hugtony appears in the Wild East scene of the True Pacifist ending credits along with his cousin Happy Cactus, now covered with a blanket.

Bake Sale Spider[edit | edit source]

A spider monster running a Spider Bake Sale similar to the ones available in Undertale, found on a spiderweb near Hugtony. They politely ask for donations from Clover, and are able to give them up to four Spider Donuts for a price of 7G each.

Red[edit | edit source]

Red is a cameo of the character of the same name from the Undertale fangame UnderTale RED. She has a somewhat humanoid appearance, and has been apprehended by many Royal Guards (including Martlet) for seeming to be a human. She is nervous and somewhat socially anxious, having trouble with conversation.

If Martlet is in the party when Clover first meets Red, the two monsters begin a conversation where Red clarifies she is not human and jokingly proposes that she should join the Royal Guard in order to stop being attacked (a reference to her position as a Royal Guard in UnderTale RED itself). Martlet encourages her to pursue this, and offers to meet up with Red to teach her about the job sometime next week. After this encounter, Red has new dialogue if Clover returns to talk to her once they leave the Wild East, where she wonders if Clover got captured purposefully to make friends with Martlet.

Alternatively, if Clover first interacts with Red while alone, she briefly mistakes them for another guard trying to apprehend her and then apologizes for the reaction. Seeing that Clover also looks human-like, she gives them suggestions on how to avoid being mistaken for a human, telling them to wear more hats.

She was originally designed by Taxiderby for UnderTale RED and redesigned by Figburn for Undertale Yellow.[7]

Café Dune[edit | edit source]

Main article: Café Dune

Clerk[edit | edit source]

The cashier and manager of Café Dune. They are on strike as protest toward the manager (themself) who needs to improve. As such, Clover cannot buy any items from them, though items can be stolen from the café in the Genocide Route. Ceroba (having worked at the café in the past) mentions this NPC if she is talked to in the production line room of the Steamworks Factory.

Modernist[edit | edit source]

A bright green panda-like monster that sits at one of the café's tables and preaches to Clover about the joys of modernism. They enjoy flaunting their lifestyle in the Dunes where technology and modern accommodations are less commonplace.

Sandra[edit | edit source]

Sandra[8] is a bird-like monster who idles next to the broken air hockey table in the café. They note that the table's air pressure seems to have been tampered with. When talked to further, they tell Clover about their preference of modernism over the Wild East's lifestyle, and mention efforts to reforest the Dunes.

Sandra is named in the files that Chujin Ketsukane kept on his friends.[9]

Sandra appears in line for Dina's outdoor bar during the Wild East scene of the True Pacifist end credits.

Gamer Kid[edit | edit source]

A child monster playing one of the arcade games in the café. They are friends with the NPC at the playground ("Kanako Friend") as well as, presumably, Kanako Ketsukane. They talk to Clover about video games and mention that the head count of their friend group has been lower lately, hinting at Kanako's disappearance. Gamer Kid is seen playing with Kanako's Friend in the Wild East scene of the True Pacifist ending credits.

Mr. Sir[edit | edit source]

Main article: Fun Value#Game Machine

Mr. Sir[10] is a rare NPC who can appear in the café next to the second arcade machine if the player's Fun Value is between 65 and 69. The character is grayed out similarly to Gaster's followers from Undertale, and speaks to an unknown entity on the phone. When Clover interacts with them, they claim Clover is jeopardizing the operation and try to distract them by asking them about school. They were designed by AeroArtwork.[11]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Named after their sprite, spr_npc_drinki.
  2. Named after her sprite, spr_npc_aunt_glover.
  3. Named after his sprite, spr_npc_rock_man.
  4. After his credits sprite, spr_npc_sandman
  5. There's a fortune teller set up in town. I visit her every week to hear about my potential future. Give her some business if you pass by the area, okay? - Third interaction dialogue from Tall Miner
  6. Named after his sprite, spr_npc_hugtony.
  7. As announced in the new devlog, @taxiderby's Red from Undertale Red will cameo in UTY! She even has a cool new look by @fireburn02 ❤️ - Undertale Yellow team (@UndertaleYellow) on Twitter, September 03, 2018.
  8. Named after their credits sprite, spr_credits_back_sandra.
  9. "Did he keep records of everyone he befriended? Sandra, Luis, Dr. Fish, Rosa, Martlet..." - Martlet's response to the filing cabinet's in Chujin's office
  10. Named after his sprite, spr_mr_sir.
  11. Its been a little minute since I posted some fun UTY stuff. I still plan on doing a deeper dive for what I did for the game one day but have these sketches of these fun guys for now. I got to design them : ) #undertaleyellow - AeroArtwork (@AeroArtwork) on Twitter, February 08, 2024.