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Cactony is a monster encountered in the Dunes. He appears as a scripted encounter right after the tumbleweeds.

Profile[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Cactony is a frowning cactus with two branches for arms. When Clover touches him, he beams and blushes.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Cactony is usually shown as sad and with low self esteem. Due to him being a cactus, monsters generally avoid him. He seeks physical affection, as seen when using the Touch ACT in his battle, which makes him immediately spareable. He also appears to be gullible, as he falls for Sir Slither's persuasions during their battle and is left with mixed emotions after Sir Slither dies.

Main Story[edit | edit source]

Cactony's scripted encounter is in the room with the falling tumbleweeds, south of the conveyor belt leading to the East Mines. He does not appear an overworld NPC directly representing him, but what appear to be two of his relatives, Hugtony and Happy Cactus, can be found in Oasis Valley and the Wild East, respectively.

In Battle[edit | edit source]

Appears With[edit | edit source]

  • Sir Slither

Attacks[edit | edit source]

  • Needle Top: A sphere appears at the top of the Bullet Board and shoots several projectiles towards the SOUL's location. After landing, the needles stay for a second before disappearing.
  • Needle Side: Needles are shot from either side of the Bullet Board and then arc downwards. After landing, they stay for a second before disappearing.
  • Needle Green: Cactony uses this attack after selecting the Touch ACT. Rows of vertical needles move from one side of the Bullet Board to the other, and green areas appear between some of them. Upon reaching a green area, Clover heals by 1 HP, and Cactony becomes spareable.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Cactony can be spared by selecting the Touch ACT. This prompts a Needle Green attack with green areas between some needles, which need to be entered to make Cactony spareable.

Flavor Text[edit | edit source]

  • Cactony comes to share his pain. [Encounter]
  • Cactony wandered in, Sir Slither closely following. [Encounter with Sir Slither]
  • Lacks physical affection. [Check]
  • Cactony would like to cry, but it's too hot. [Neutral]
  • Cactony stares into your soul. [Neutral]
  • Cactony tries to gather some needles he dropped. [Neutral]
  • Cactony gives you an empty look. [Neutral]
  • Sir Slither is trying to butter Cactony up. [Neutral with Sir Slither]
  • You're unsure if this situation is healthy. For anyone. [Neutral with Sir Slither]
  • Sir Slither compliments Cactony's bullet patterns. [Neutral with Sir Slither]
  • Cactony would rather be alone right now. [Neutral, with Sir Slither]
  • You give Cactony a careful pat in between two spines. [Touch]
  • You prick your finger on Cactony's bristles. [Touch, Low HP]
  • You keep a safe distance between you[sic] Cactony. [Avoid]
  • You ignore Cactony. [Avoid, Low HP]
  • Cactony feels love for the first time. [Spareable]
  • Cactony is swaying back and forth. [Low HP]
  • Cactony sheds a tear and a few needles. [Low HP]
  • Cactony is lost in a sea of mixed emotions. [Kill Sir Slither in a battle with Sir Slither]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • No one loves me... [Neutral]
  • I'm burning up. [Neutral]
  • *Sigh* [Neutral]
  • These needles are such a curse... [Neutral]
  • I'm just a burden to everyone... [Neutral]
  • You... think so? [Neutral with Sir Slither]
  • I'm not so sure about that... [Neutral with Sir Slither]
  • Uhhhh... [Neutral with Sir Slither]
  • Why does everyone do this to me? [Avoid]
  • What else is new... [Avoid]
  • At least have the decency to look at me! [Avoid, Low HP]
  • It's so warm... Is this what love feels like? [Touch]
  • Does this mean you... care about me? [Touch]
  • That's what you get. [Touch, Low HP]
  • Could this day get any worse? [Low HP]
  • *Sigh* [Low HP]
  • Wait, don't go... [Kill Sir Slither in a battle with Sir Slither]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Cactony was the very first enemy made for Undertale Yellow. A few of his lines were left in the code of the demo when it released.[1]
  • In development, there was a plan for the Soggy Mitten to dry out in the Dunes and be usable as an optional way to spare Cactony.[2] This did not make it into the final game.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Undertale Yellow 1st Anniversary Developer Livestream (Extra Life Charity! Donations Link In Desc.) - YouTube
  2. Undertale Yellow 1st Anniversary Developer Livestream (Extra Life Charity! Donations Link In Desc.) - YouTube