Steamworks NPCs
Various NPCs can found throughout the Steamworks, most of them robots.
Manta Bot[edit | edit source]
The Manta Bot[1] is a robot with the appearance of a manta ray that acts as a ferry for Clover (and Ceroba, if she is present) through the Steamworks' coolant lake. They speak in a slightly broken manner indicating some kind of malfunction.
Mo also uses another Manta Bot as a ferry through the lake, as seen if all of his items are bought in every area he is present in or if he is met here on the Genocide Route.
Grandfather Clock[edit | edit source]
The Grandfather Clock is a large furnace-like robot found inside the clocktower building in the Steamworks lake. They were formerly used to keep time for the whole Underground, but now seem to be offset from the Steamworks' shutdown, always telling Clover that it is 6:26 on a Monday morning in spring. They also reference a river south of the Steamworks, presumably referring to a former Meadow river. Their dialogue is not altered in the Genocide Route.
Boba Drinker[edit | edit source]
A TV-headed robot with an informal manner of speech found on the right side of the northern lake room, sitting and drinking coolant (which they call "Steamworks Boba-Soup") from the lake with a large bendy straw. They tell Clover that humans are also powered by a liquid, "blood," which unfortunately does not taste as good as the coolant. They also tell Clover that the coolant is poisonous to non-robots in an attempt to deter them from drinking any. They do not appear on the Genocide Route. They were designed by TeleviQ.[2]
Lil Bots[edit | edit source]
The Lil Bots[3] are three small robots that assist Guardener in the Steamworks' Greenhouse. They have an informal manner of speech that is almost entirely written in lowercase. There were apparently eleven of them in total until shortly before Clover entered the area, when one of the bots rallied several others to jump into the coolant lake. The three remaining Lil Bots are called as backup during Guardener's battle, acting with varying levels of competence.
If Clover backtracks through the greenhouse on a Pacifist Route, all three bots can be found as NPCs.
- The first bot, the one with a bow and arrow in battle, seems uncaring and rebellious. They acknowledge breaking the first law of robotics, but say that it doesn't matter since the Steamworks is now an anarchy.
- The second bot, the one who offers to "hang out" with Guardener, tells Clover several "bot facts", including the fact that robots are not allowed to swear or engage in romantic relationships, and that all robots are programmed with a passion for something. Their passion is apparently arson.
- The third bot, the one who arrived late in battle and was given a flower by Guardener, tells Clover that they are thinking about asking Guardener on a date. They mention seeing someone in a nice vest and hat earlier (possibly Starlo or Ed on their way to catch Ceroba) who they want to ask for fashion advice for the date.
Lil Bots 1 and 3 are seen in the True Pacifist end credits. The third bot approaches Guardener's hibernation spot with a flower tentatively, before the first bot notices and calls them away, and they leave together.
The Lil Bots were designed by Figburn.[4]
Hermit[edit | edit source]
The Hermit[5] is a former Steamworks employee and the only non-robotic being remaining in the Steamworks. They can be found behind a large cabinet in the Steamworks' Chemistry Lab on a Neutral Route only, hiding from the recently-activated Steamworks robots. When talked to, they are surprised to see another living being and explain to Clover why they are here: when the scientists of the Steamworks were fired, they stayed behind in the facility to keep practicing chemistry, surviving off of food reserves and the edible white plants in the area.
The Hermit's dialogue updates after Axis is defeated. Now that the robots have calmed down, they mention that they are free to experiment with all of the powered equipment. They complain, however, about the game programmed into the mixing computer. They cut the conversation short by saying Clover will just have to wait to talk until after their tests, likely a reference to a similar line of NPC dialogue in Half-Life.
On the Genocide Route, the cabinet hiding the Hermit cannot be pushed, though inspecting it mentions that a presence can be felt cowering behind it.
Mr. Screen[edit | edit source]
Mr. Screen[6] is a chipper robot confined to green display screens in the Steamworks' Factory, an area only accessible in the Pacifist Route. He seems to have been created to guide factory employees through their jobs and does the same with Clover and Ceroba before allowing them to proceed. He greatly dislikes Ceroba, which is mutual, and the two often get into arguments.
Mr. Screen attempts to appear in the Gold production room of the Factory, but his screen is quickly smashed in by Ceroba. His final appearance is in the Factory's exit elevator (which he calls his "body"), taking Clover and Ceroba to the top floor of the complex.
Mr. Screen is mentioned and named by Axis in his locker room if Clover backtracks after sparing him on the Pacifist Route. Axis states that Mr. Screen proposed making a tyrannical government for the robots of the Steamworks, a plan Axis does not think will work out.
The Compound Computer in the Chemistry Lab is connected to Mr. Screen,[7] hinted at by its green text, as well as witty comments on the Neutral Route.
Daisy[edit | edit source]
- Main article: Daisy
Daisy (as named by Axis,[8] also called "Robuild" in the files[9]) is a robot built in the Pacifist Route by Ceroba and Clover out of spare parts in the Steamworks' storage room. While created as a decoy, Axis seems to consider them alive, as he conveys their speech.
They are initially built as a plan to distract Axis, but he does not pay attention to them until after his battle, where his battery is drained and his programmed murderous rage is disabled. He promptly falls in love with the robot and the two are married. Axis can be found spending time with Daisy if Clover backtracks to his locker room after this, and the two of them are also seen sharing a gondola ride in the True Pacifist end credits.
Though the construction of Daisy's battle sprite is completely customizable, their overworld sprite is picked from 7 preset options depending on the 4 parts Clover selected in the overworld. (The parts actually used in the battle building minigame do not affect it.) Due to the way the sprites are picked, sprites 4, 6, and 7 cannot appear. If none of the sprites are a close match, the game defaults to their first sprite, a robot with a somewhat Mettaton-like appearance.[citation needed]
Axis says Daisy is named after the flower. Their name may be a reference to Daisy Bell, a romantic song used for the first ever recording of computer-generated speech.
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Named by their in-game sprites,
. - ↑ #UndertaleYellow designs, part 2 (NPC edition) - TeleviQ (@TLVQ_) on Twitter, February 12, 2024.
- ↑ the three of us are the last Lil Bots around. - Lil Bot 1
- ↑ I can finally share some of the designs i did! these arent all of them, but some of the most notable characters/npcs I made for the game #UndertaleYellow - Figburn (@figburn) on Twitter, January 12, 2024.
- ↑ Named by their in-game sprites,
- ↑ Undertale Yellow 1st Anniversary Developer Livestream (Extra Life Charity! Donations Link In Desc.) - YouTube
- ↑ HOW INFORMAL OF ME. I DID NOT INTRODUCE YOU TO MY SPOUSE. THIS IS DAISY. MY SPOUSE. THEY ARE NAMED AFTER THE FLOWER. - Axis in his locker room after being spared in the Pacifist Route
- ↑