- For the track, see North Star (Soundtrack).
Starlo, known by his alias North Star, is the boss of the Dunes. He is the sheriff of the town in the Wild East, the leader of the Feisty Five, and the childhood friend of Ceroba.
Profile[edit | edit source]
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Starlo is a humanoid monster. His skin is yellow with star-like appendages on his head with light blue patterns on them. He wears a brown poncho with light blue stripes with his sheriff badge on it, brown pants, and black boots with spurs. Starlo has a hat with teal highlights; all members of the Feisty Five have hats and teal highlights in their designs.
Personality[edit | edit source]
Starlo's true personality is superseded most of the time by a Western persona. Borne out of a fanaticism of Wild Western culture, Starlo puts on this persona from a desire to spread excitement and drama to the inhabitants of the Underground - distracting them from the cruel reality of monsterkind's collective banishment from the Surface. Going by the moniker of "North Star," he plays the role of the Wild East's upbeat sheriff, who is determined to "keep the peace" by any means necessary. This for the most part is all drama, as there is no real danger (besides potentially Clover) and is all put on as a fun distraction for the Dunes' inhabitants, who all seem to play along - excluding Blackjack, who just sees it as a ploy to sell guns.
While displaying his "North Star" persona, Starlo has been shown to value validation from others. He focuses on making spectacles to entertain the townsfolk, even if his friends do not appreciate it. This is also the reason he eventually attacks Clover; to be revered by the entire Underground.
Starlo's true personality is revealed after his boss fight in the Pacifist Route. He is shown to be much more of a nerd - a picture in his home revealing he was even adorned with stereotypical dweeb braces at one point. As such, his room is filled with various Western memorabilia from the Surface and even contains glowy sticker stars. Despite this, however, one thing that is constant between "North Star" and Starlo is his kindness and how he values those close to him. In fact, this is the whole reason the "North Star" persona exists in the first place.
Main Story[edit | edit source]
Neutral Route[edit | edit source]
Starlo does not play a direct role in the story of this route. If fatally attacked, he will use his last breath to request that the player informs his parents that he will be away for a while. Shortly after his death, Ceroba will approach Clover and inquire about Starlo's whereabouts. Clover can either stay quiet or apologize, but either way, Ceroba ends up heading north to ask his family.
Near the end of the game, during the first phase of the “Meta Flowey” fight, if the player has killed Starlo in the run he will appear as a distorted version of himself; his face and overall being is shown to be covered with vines, with stretched/distorted limbs.
Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]
Right as Ceroba and Clover leave Steamworks and prepare to enter Hotland, Starlo confronts Ceroba; he was cleaning up her house before being met with a secret chamber that contained extremely questionable stuff. He is concerned that she has intentions to hurt Clover and use their SOUL for plans her now passed husband had documented. In reply, Ceroba panics and immediately heads towards the elevator while Starlo chases after her, and has one of his posse take Clover to a safer location.
Soon after, Clover meets Starlo confronting Ceroba on what seems like a balcony in New Home. Shortly after Martlet and Clover step in to defuse the situation between the two, Starlo urges Martlet to take Clover to a safer location while he holds Ceroba back - but to no avail. Ceroba knocks Martlet out. Starlo lunges at her but also gets knocked out, leaving Clover and Ceroba to duel one against one.
Flawed Pacifist Ending[edit | edit source]
If the player decides to kill Ceroba, Starlo is left in disbelief and despair as he has lost his best friend. Despite Martlet's best efforts at trying to justify the killing of Ceroba as self-defense, Starlo is disgusted with Clover and now views them as "lower than dirt". He solemnly walks off, wishing that he hadn't hesitated to fire the last bullet in his revolver earlier on.
Genocide Route[edit | edit source]
Starlo is told to evacuate alongside the rest of the Wild East (presumably by Ceroba) but decides not to out of a sense of duty as the town's sheriff. When Clover arrives, Starlo takes note of the fact that they are yet to shoot him and proposes to "settle things fairly" with a duel. Additionally, Starlo's overworld sprite no longer smiles.
If Clover draws, Starlo is always fatally shot. If Clover waits until Starlo draws, he reveals that he was holding a toy gun, acknowledging that he couldn't do it for real. Starlo then thanks Clover for "letting him feel cool", but Clover shoots him anyway.
Hearing the gunshot, Ceroba rushes over to see the wounded Starlo. Regardless of how the duel played out, Starlo tells Ceroba that he "could've won", gripping her hand as he dies.
In Battle[edit | edit source]
During Starlo's battle, Clover is caught by a lasso. In this state, their SOUL can only move in a small radius around them and snaps back if the player stops moving.
Attacks[edit | edit source]
Phase 1
- A single gun targets the player's current elevation. This is only used in the intro.
- A single gun and two guns alternate firing horizontally at specific heights.
- Guns continuously shoot at the player's direction in a straight line.
- Dynamite is thrown down from either side of the bullet board.
- A horseshoe surrounds the SOUL and starts spinning counter-clockwise.
- Dynamite falls from the top of the bullet board while guns fire horizontally.
- Blue and Orange soundwaves ring out from a bell at the top of the board.
- Starlo shoots three bottles. The shards rain down from the top of the board.
- Trains drive across train-tracks appearing in the background.
- Starlo wields his gun and shoots a bullet at the location of the player's SOUL.
- Starlo wields his gun and shoots bullets multiple times at the location of the player's SOUL.
Phase 2
- More guns continuously shoot in a straight line.
- A bell on the top of the board sends blue and orange soundwaves while guns target the SOUL location.
- The SOUL enters slow mode. Revolver shots similar to the final attack of Phase 1 target the SOUL.
- Dynamite is thrown from either side of the board before being shot and sending a shockwave all around.
- The SOUL enters slow mode. Guns continuously target the SOUL either horizontally or vertically.
- Sets of two guns target the SOUL before dynamite sticks are dropped from the top of board. More guns are shot in a grid pattern and sticks of dynamite are thrown and shot afterwards, before guns shoot from all directions.
Strategy[edit | edit source]
Starlo can only be fought during a non-genocide run. His fight requires Clover to simply dodge as much as possible.
Once Starlo starts his last attack, he can hit the lasso by accident if you line up the reticle with the rope. Doing this twice (which takes at least 2 turns) will break it and allow you to move freely. Once the rope breaks, Starlo will unload the remaining bullets in his revolver during that turn. After the attack ends, his last phase will begin which works just like before, both for sparing and killing, but all attacks are harder to dodge.
After Starlo performs his last combo which starts with a slow-mo version of his second attack, he counts as having lowered his guard. Any attack towards Starlo at this point is lethal.
After his last attack ends, Starlo raises up his gun to shoot his last bullet. Clover can Surrender from the ACT menu or simply Spare (both of which make you unable to move), at which point Ceroba will show up to stop him.
Flavor Text[edit | edit source]
- Showdown! [Encounter]
- The almighty Sheriff. [Check]
- The not-so-almighty Sheriff. [Check, after freed from lasso]
- Starlo's fingers itch for his six-shooter. [Neutral]
- Starlo keeps a steady eye on you. [Neutral]
- Starlo's lasso grips you tightly. [Neutral]
- A tumbleweed rolls by. It says hello. [Neutral]
- Smells like leather boots and dashing looks. [Neutral]
- A tension in the air grows. [Neutral]
- Starlo grinds his teeth together in frustration. [Neutral]
- Starlo's left hand is shaking. [Neutral]
- Duel! [After freed from lasso]
- Starlo tries to tape his lasso back but can't find the end of the tape on his roll. [Neutral, after freed from lasso]
- Smells like leather boots and broken dreams. [Neutral, after freed from lasso]
- Starlo keeps two steady eyes on you. [Neutral, after freed from lasso]
- You squirm inside your leather cage to no avail. [Struggle]
- You chomp and pull at the lasso but it only gets tighter. [Bite]
- You spin your six-shooter several times to intimidate Starlo. [Spin]
- You take a deep breath to prepare for the next attack. [Focus]
- You narrow your eyes and everything becomes letterboxed. [Glare, trapped]
- You shoot a nasty look at Starlo... [Glare, freed]
- You lower your weapon and raise your hands... [Surrender]
Quotes[edit | edit source]
Neutral[edit | edit source]
- I know I'm better than this. A dignified sheriff would face their opponent fairly. However, you're no ordinary bandit, so get ready! [Opening attack]
- Huh. Even tied up, you're skilled. I sure have an eye for talent. [First move]
- Still... Part of me wishes things coulda stayed the way they were. [Second move]
- Why'd you have to step foot in my town? Just a few hours ago, everyone was gettin' along. Now... well... we're here. [Third move]
- This is the only way to fix things. The only way I know... [Fourth move]
- ... [Fifth move]
- Quit squirmin' so much! [Sixth move]
- Clover, you gotta understand! [Seventh move]
- Come on!! Give it up already!! [Eighth move]
- Fine. I didn't wanna use this but I got no choice. Goodbye, partner. [Ninth move]
- Stay still! I don't wanna hit my lasso! [Ninth move, upon missing lasso]
- Look what you made me do! That lasso is made from premium materials! [Upon hitting lasso]
- No... No way! Outsmarted by a deputy?? Tsk. At least it's a fair showdown now. Time for a real dual! [Upon hitting lasso twice]
- I'm gonna miss our time together. I mean that. [Eleventh move]
- At first, I was truly happy. I thought you were the real deal. [Twelfth move]
- All my sacrifices, all the naysayers... Those didn't matter anymore 'cause what I had was special. [Thirteenth move]
- But now I've realized the truth... This sheriff stuff? It's worthless. [Fourteenth move]
- We all tout justice, but... True Underground status is only secured through pain. Monsterkind's Hero is a title soaked in blood. [Fifteenth move]
- In the end... we're nothin' but bandits. [Sixteenth move]
- ... One... I have one left in my chamber... I'll make this count. [Before final move]
- What... What are you doing? This isn't fair... [Surrender]
Game Over Quotes[edit | edit source]
- The mentor vs apprentice thing is fun and all, but... You do know the mentor isn't supposed to win, right?
- There's no way this fraud bested you! Come on, show him who the real gunslinger is!
- This human-wannabe is a total pushover! Bet he'll crack if you survive long enough, haha.
Relationships[edit | edit source]
Ceroba Ketsukane[edit | edit source]
Ceroba and Starlo are best friends and have known each other since childhood. Starlo once had a crush on Ceroba and was devastated after she got engaged to Chujin. From a picture in his parents' house, it is shown that Starlo was shy around Ceroba when they were teenagers.
Starlo is shown to care very deeply for Ceroba, allowing her to stay at his place after Chujin and Kanako left. Part of the reason Starlo became an entertainer was to distract Ceroba from her worries. However, this was ineffective.
After discovering the truth regarding Ceroba's intentions in the Pacifist Route, Starlo is determined to stop her from following through with Chujin's plan and killing Clover. However, he still cares for her, shown by how enraged he is should Clover choose to kill her and his kind words towards her should Ceroba live.
By the end of the Pacifist Route, Starlo has adopted a more mature way of helping Ceroba through her troubles. This is shown by how he helps her up after her boss fight and comforts her during the credits, causing her overworld sprite to smile for the first time.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
A picture of Starlo and Ceroba as teenagers. This picture can be found at Starlo's parents' farmhouse.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- His alias, North Star, is a reference to the Polaris star found in the Ursa Minor (also known as Little Dipper) constellation.
- Starlo appears to be left-handed; both his sprites and flavor text depict him holding his revolver in his left hand.
- In his sprites with the farmer attire in the True Pacifist Ending credits, he is referred to as "nerdlo".[1]
- If Clover talks to Crestina when they go inside of his house after sparing him, she says that Starlo used to have a crush on Ceroba. When she got engaged to Chujin, he was so devastated that he didn’t leave the house for days.[2]
- According to his father, Starlo is good at singing, just like his mother and brother.
- When he dies in the Genocide Route, he turns into dust from the bottom up, which is odd because in almost every other case it is from top to bottom.
- This detail is shared with Martlet in the Neutral Route, where she turns to dust from the bottom up as well.
- Starlo's parents, Solomon and Crestina, are the Sun and Moon respectively, which explains why he's a star.
- It is implied that Starlo may be immune to fire.
- Ceroba has to remind him that most monsters aren't fireproof, and if Clover tells him that the horses survive, he claims that everyone is fireproof.
- Starlo took part in the Actually Magma Smoothie Challenge as shown in the UG Apartments, alongside other mostly fire-based monsters.
- Starlo was designed by NeroSensei.[3]
- Starlo's voice is from Clint Eastwood.[4]
- Starlo's gun he has throughout the game is a toy.[5]
- By holding left or right during the horseshoe attack in his battle, Clover can stay on the outside of the horseshoe without being hit. This is referred to as a "CapsuleGravy Special," named after the playtester who discovered it.
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑
- ↑ If only he won Ceroba's heart back then... I think he was too shy to take initiative, poor boy. When she got engaged to Chujin, he didn't set foot outside for days. - Crestina, after talking for a second time in Starlo's house
- ↑ I also made this guy I guess............... - Nero (@NeroSenseiUT) on Twitter, January 12, 2024.
- ↑ Undertale Yellow 1st Anniversary Developer Livestream (Extra Life Charity! Donations Link In Desc.) - YouTube
- ↑ Undertale Yellow 1st Anniversary Developer Livestream (Extra Life Charity! Donations Link In Desc.) - YouTube