Integrity is the moniker given to the human with the blue SOUL. They were the fifth human to have their SOUL captured and the last human that fell before Clover. They are dead before the events of the game but serve as an overarching antagonist who had a large impact on its backstory.
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Integrity, like all of the fallen humans, was a child. In Undertale, the Ballet Shoes and Old Tutu belonged to them. Their tutu is described as dusty in a phone call with Papyrus.
The rest of their appearance is unclear. In Undertale Yellow, they are also stated to possibly resemble Clover[1], though this may be because they are both human. Artwork on a pillar in the Dark Ruins (see trivia) depicts them wearing their tutu, but not much else can be made out.
History[edit | edit source]
At some point after 201X, and before Undertale Yellow begins, the first five humans all climbed the mountain, left the Ruins, and died to monsters shortly after[2]. A map in Chujin Ketsukane's office tracks where four of them died; Patience at the very start of Snowdin, Bravery further on in Snowdin, Perseverance in Waterfall, and Kindness in Hotland. After their deaths, their SOULs were collected and brought to Asgore Dreemurr. The only unknown location is Integrity, who is marked with a question mark.
Integrity was the sixth fallen child and the fifth human SOUL collected. Their actions in the Ruins are not stated, but in Snowdin, they were the culprit of an attack known as the Snowdin Attack. Not much of it is known, but the incident became well known afterwards. What is known is that Chujin and Kanako Ketsukane were taking a trip to Snowdin when Integrity got into a fight with Dalv, who was playing with Kanako. This fight resulted in Integrity fleeing to Waterfall.[3][4] This is also the reason for Dalv retreating to the Dark Ruins in fear and is correlated with an evacuation of Snowdin.
According to a videotape found behind Chujin's grave and Axis's dialogue in the Genocide Route, right after this attack, Chujin told Axis to track Integrity down and apprehend them. Due to a mistake that Chujin later believed to stem from Axis's programming, Axis ended up killing the human before Chujin could stop him, against either of their wishes. Axis contained the SOUL and hid the evidence. Chujin kept the SOUL for himself, leaving the Royal Guard and the rest of monsterkind unaware Integrity was dead.[5] Axis's memory was wiped of the murder.
Chujin used Integrity's SOUL in experiments, attempting to absorb the SOUL himself to extract a serum which could turn any monster into a Boss Monster. The SOUL consistently rejected fusion, leading to Chujin discovering his own SOUL had deteriorated. Chujin left his research for his wife, Ceroba Ketsukane, to complete, telling her not to use Integrity's SOUL due to it not being pure. Ceroba, against Chujin's wishes, continued using the Integrity SOUL in her experiments, attempting to purify the corruption from some of Chujin's leftover extract. After insistence from Kanako, and believing she had purified it, she injected some of Integrity's extract into Kanako, which caused her to fall down.
Years after Integrity's death, Chujin left their SOUL in Waterfall,[6][7] where it was discovered and delivered to Asgore. Additionally, Alphys borrowed the human SOULs that Asgore had at the time to extract determination from them, which would include Integrity's SOUL if Chujin did not have it at the time.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Several Fun Value events show a depiction of the Snowdin Attack in the Dark Ruins pillar room when combined. The third pillar shows a picture of Integrity with the pillar broken where their face should be. This may hint that Axis heavily injured their head or face.
- The name "Integrity," just like Clover's theme of "Justice," comes from Undertale's ball game. If the player gets the red flag for the first time, the narration lists six traits in different colors matching the colors of the six human SOULs. These traits are commonly believed to be held by each SOUL; the word "integrity" is colored blue, which would make that the trait of the blue SOUL child.
- The table of contents of the Undertale Yellow artbook[8] lists the six human SOULs in the following order: Patience, Bravery, Perseverance, Kindness, Integrity, and Justice. Given that this closely matches the order of the children's items and their attacks in the Photoshop Flowey battle, the only change being Integrity moved to fifth instead of third, it is possible this is the canon order the humans fell in.
- Integrity is frequently associated with ghosts.[1][9][10]
- An Echo Flower left in the code of Undertale implies that the blue SOUL human was chased down and was calling for help in the room where their shoes are found.[11] It is unknown if this is canon to Undertale Yellow.
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 I don't understand... You... you look just like them.
Is this some sort of haunting? Or have you come to finish the job? - Dalv - ↑ Typically, when a human falls into our home, they're "collected" within hours. - A book in the Steamworks
- ↑ Suddenly, a human was spotted in the area before swiftly fleeing for Waterfall. - A book in the Steamworks
- ↑ Today I traveled to Snowdin with my daughter on casual business.
While I was busy, Kanako wandered off to play with a resident.
That's when it happened...
A few panicked townsfolk ran up to me saying that a human had entered the area.
This human... they attacked the monster Kanako was with. - A tape recorded by Chujin - ↑ This, surprisingly, was the last time they were seen alive.
Officials at the time said the disappearance most likely meant the human was hiding. - A book in the Steamworks - ↑ But one time... it took years.
However, the human's SOUL was later inexplicably found deep in Waterfall... - A book in the Steamworks - ↑ Undertale Yellow 1st Anniversary Developer Livestream (Extra Life Charity! Donations Link In Desc.) - YouTube
- ↑ The Undertale Yellow Art Book is here! Featuring nearly 300 pages of concept art, screenshots, commentary, and more 💛 - on Bluesky, December 24, 2024.
- ↑ There was one time though...
It was after hours - no one here but me. BAM! Front doors swing open and in walks Chujin.
He was breathin' heavy, worn 'n rugged... Unusual for a cleancut monster of science.
I didn't think he drank but nevertheless, he sat down and ordered a cold one.
I asked if somethin' was the matter but all he said was, "I believe I've seen a ghost."
Weird, huh? Like... a monster? Couldn't be what he meant, right? Who knows... - Dina, selecting "Chujin" - ↑ Chapter Three: The Phantom SOUL. - Mysteries of the Underground
- ↑ I can't run any longer... Somebody, anybody... - An unused Echo Flower in the room where the Ballet Shoes are found