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Dunebud is a monster encountered in the Dunes. Their scripted encounter is on the bridge above the Dimensional Box at the beginning of Dunes. They were first revealed in Undertale Yellow's launch trailer, using their Sandcastle attack against Clover.[1]

Profile[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Dunebud's appearance resembles that of a really small dune with a patch of dirt on their head and a sapling sprouting from it.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Dunebud's speech patterns aren't very meaningful, but their flavor text describes them as very playful and eager to have fun.

Main Story[edit | edit source]

Their scripted encounter is in one of the first Dunes rooms, on a bridge crossing over a passage to a Dimensional Box.

Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]

After Starlo's battle, Dunebud can be found in the same room where they were encountered. Clover at first does not understand what is Dunebud trying to say, smiling and nodding in response. In the next two interactions, Clover thinks they may have understood Dunebud, only to be proven wrong in their fourth interaction.

In Battle[edit | edit source]

Appears With[edit | edit source]

  • Another Dunebud

Attacks[edit | edit source]

  • Sandcastle: Places a bucket in the Bullet Board and builds a sandcastle. The sandcastle shoots 9 arrows towards the SOUL.
  • Tumbleweeds: A series of tumbleweeds move in the Bullet Box horizontally from one side to the other.
  • Chase: Enters the Bullet Board and leaps at the SOUL vertically whenever it is above or below them. This continues a few times. If they are at low HP, they move slower during this attack and do not jump.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Dunebud can be spared in two ways:

  • Selecting the Jiggle ACT, and then the Pat ACT.
  • Selecting the Shoo ACT twice, which makes it sink into the sand and end the battle.

During the Sandcastle attack, moving slowly from one side of the Bullet Board to the other can help to avoid all the arrows.

Flavor Text[edit | edit source]

  • Looking for some fun. [Check]
  • Wondering. [Check, Low HP]
  • Dunebud popped out of the sand! [Encounter]
  • Double trouble! [Encounter with another Dunebud]
  • Dunebud shifts this way and that. [Neutral]
  • Dunebud is getting antsy. [Neutral]
  • Dunebud begins to gargle a song. [Neutral]
  • Smells like sandpaper. [Neutral]
  • The Dunebud's[sic] are spilling over each other. [Neutral with two Dunebuds, unused]
  • One Dunebud pats the other's head. They both lovingly grin. [Neutral with two Dunebuds, unused]
  • One Dunebud shapes the other into a pyramid. [Neutral with two Dunebuds, unused]
  • You begin to grow thirsty at the sight of the Dunebud's.[sic] [Neutral with two Dunebuds, unused]
  • You cautiously pat the head of Dunebud. They seem confused. [Pat before Jiggle]
  • You give Dunebud a few loving pats. They nuzzle your hand. [Pat after Jiggle]
  • You attempt to pat Dunebud. They slink away. [Pat, Low HP]
  • You shake Dunebud back and forth. They giggle at you. [Jiggle]
  • You reach out to Dunebud but they back up. [Jiggle, Low HP]
  • You wave your hand dismissively at Dunebud. They don't understand. [Shoo]
  • You make an angry face at Dunebud. They get scared. [Shoo #2+]
  • You take a step at Dunebud to intimidate them. They flinch a little. [Shoo, Low HP]
  • Dunebud is dazed. [Low HP]
  • Sand is spilling everywhere. [Low HP]
  • Dunebud is giggling. [Spareable]
  • The remaining Dunebud glances around, looking for their partner. [Kill Dunebud in battle with two Dunebuds]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • Swip Swap~ [Neutral]
  • Gwob Gwub~ [Neutral]
  • Awoooo~ [Neutral]
  • Wiggle Woggle~ [Neutral]
  • Oo?? [Pat]
  • Awawa~ [Jiggle]
  • Uuuu~ [Shoo]
  • heHe~ [Spareable]
  • Bwaa~ [Low HP]
  • Grrr~ [Low HP]
  • ?~ [Another Dunebud is killed]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Undertale Yellow Launch Trailer - YouTube