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Decibat is a monster that resides in the Dark Ruins. He serves as the game's first miniboss.
Profile[edit | edit source]
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Decibat is, as his name implies, a bat monster. He has four wings, two large ears, and fluff on his belly. His inner ears have patterns resembling sound waves and his fluff creates an illusion of an opening mouth on his stomach.
Personality[edit | edit source]
Whhispers only please. Hushh Hushh!
Decibat is very sensitive to noises, which makes him initially take a disliking toward Clover. It is also implied that he enjoys sleep. When speaking, he has a habit of stretching out his Hs.
In Battle[edit | edit source]
Attacks[edit | edit source]
- Wave Blue: Decibat's first attack is a blue wave which can be avoided by not moving.
- Wave Orange: Decibat's second attack is an orange wave which can be avoided by moving. At this point, the player is introduced to the concept of blue and orange attacks in Undertale Yellow (if not previously familiar with it from Undertale).
- Wave Multi: Decibat sends large sound waves, which are either orange or blue, from the top, left or right sides of the board, one at a time.
- Wave Mini: Small sound waves bounce around the board and change colors from orange to blue or vice versa each time they hit a border.
- Stalagmite:[1] Small stalactites appear in a sequence at the top of the bullet board, then fall in the same order.
Strategy[edit | edit source]
Decibat can be spared by either using the Watch ACT 5 times consecutively or annoying him by using Talk and Shoo ACTs 5 times until he leaves.
Flavor Text[edit | edit source]
- Decibat makes his presence known. [Encounter]
- Missing his quiet solitude. [Check]
- Decibat is whispering something too quiet to hear. [Neutral]
- Decibat is not enjoying the music. [Neutral]
- Decibat twitches his large ears. [Neutral, Talk/Shoo #1]
- Decibat is losing his patience with you. [Neutral, Talk/Shoo #2]
- Decibat can’t hear himself think. [Neutral, Talk/Shoo #3]
- Decibat grinds his teeth angrily and flinches at the ruckus he caused. [Neutral, Talk/Shoo #4]
- Decibat is shaking with anger. [Neutral, Talk/Shoo #5]
- Decibat looks slightly more at ease. [Neutral, Watch #1]
- Decibat gives you a nod of approval. [Neutral, Watch #2]
- Decibat is enjoying the silence. [Neutral, Watch #3]
- Decibat is being lulled to sleep. [Neutral, Watch #4]
- Decibat is ready to return to sleep. [Neutral, Watch #5]
- Decibat hushes you furiously. [Talk]
- You open your mouth to speak. Decibat covers your mouth. [Talk, spareable]
- You watch Decibat in silence. He seems to appreciate it. [Watch]
- Decibat is making too much noise to notice your silence. [Watch, Low HP]
- You shout and jump around trying to scare Decibat away. He isn't pleased. [Shoo]
- You move towards Decibat[sic] He lands happily on your shoulder. [Shoo, spareable]
- Decibat is in too much pain to care. [Talk/Shoo, Low HP]
- Decibat seems to have given up hope. [Talk/Shoo, Low HP]
- Sweet silence... [Battle End]
Quotes[edit | edit source]
- Don't shhy away. Hushh hushh! [Neutral]
- Whhispers only please. Hushh hushh! [Neutral]
- Hushh puppy! [Neutral]
- Don't move. Don’t make a sound. Hush hushh! [Turn 1]
- Move in silence. Hushh Hushh! [Turn 2]
- Getting too loud here! HUSHH HUSHH! [Talk/Shoo #5]
- Ow ow ow! Hushh hushh HUSHH! [Talk/Shoo #6]
- More quiet please... [Watch #3]
- You hhear that? No? Good... [Watch #4]
- Sweet silence... [Watch #5]
Game Over Quotes[edit | edit source]
- * Heh, I sure heard that! * But I don't wanna hear it again, okay?
- This thing hates noise, right? Use that fact to your advantage!
- Quite the permanent solution, eh? Too bad I can undo it, haha!
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Decibat's name comes from the word "decibel," since his battle revolves around sound.
- Decibat's battle animation and battle music were first revealed in a July 2016 devlog.[2]
- Decibat and El Bailador used to live together on the same apartment floor before both were kicked out after fighting over the volume levels.[3]
- Originally, the cave behind the boulder in Snowdin was meant to be cleared after backtracking. Decibat would be involved in this cave. However, this was cut due to the developers running out of time.[4]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Despite this attack being called "Stalagmite" in the code, the attack uses stalactites.
- ↑ And now, for the goodies! - Development Update + Delay announcement (July 30, 2016.) Game Jolt.
- ↑ Oh right, I forgot you are not big on dancing.
More of a Sentinel of Silence, right?
Funny history I have with those folk.
We all used to live on the top floor of UG Apartments north of here.
Our side of the hall wanted to be bold! High energy!
While the other preferred the deafening sound of silence.
We feuded over the SVL for weeks! The Standard Volume Level, that is.
Long story short, we all were kicked out, haha!
Gone our separate ways now, free to chase any comfort we choose.
I sometimes wonder what that bat got up to? Probably lives in some Snowdin cave. - El Bailador, in Hotland - ↑ Undertale Yellow 1st Anniversary Developer Livestream (Extra Life Charity! Donations Link In Desc.) - YouTube