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Bowll is a monster encountered in the Dunes. His scripted encounter is in East Mines, in the room after exiting the first elevator. His battle was first revealed in the Mines gameplay trailer of Undertale Yellow in 2021.[1]

Profile[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

The Annoying Dog popping out of Bowll's back.

Bowll is a bull with a bowl for a body. Cracks appear all over his body, with a spinning plate on the end of his tail. During battle, Annoying Dog occasionally pops up out of the bowl for a few seconds, before going back into the bowl. After cleaning him, he noticeably sparkles.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Bowll, appearing to be made out of porcelain, may be a pun on the phrase "bull in a china shop," which is used to describe someone who is reckless in situations that require carefulness. He is notably furious and lashes out at Clover at the start of the battle, acting tough to hide his insecurities about the fragility of his body. After being consoled, he's less prone to fighting and is willing to discover his true self, allowing Clover to clean him. He is irritated by red objects, as a reference to the muleta used during Spanish-style bullfighting.

Main Story[edit | edit source]

He appears as a scripted encounter in the room after finishing the elevator ride with Stresso.

Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]

After the battle with Starlo, Bowll appears in the room with an elevator leading up to the mountaintop as an NPC. He talks about solving problems with falling rocks by charging through them, how he's absolutely disgusted by Dunes being unclean, and how Clover's lucky their bandana is not red.

In Battle[edit | edit source]

Attacks[edit | edit source]

  • Bull: Bulls appear around the Bullet Board, and parallel to him appear red cloths. When a red cloth appears, a bull runs towards it, damaging the SOUL if run into.
  • Liquid: The Bullet Board shifts into a halfway-full mug. Marshmallows are repeatedly tossed from the top, above Clover's SOUL, which makes the liquid rise until it is almost full.
  • Silverware: Two sets of silverware fill the bullet board, with one half descending and the other ascending.
  • Test Song: Unused in final game. identical to El Bailador's attacks. likely used to test how El Bailador would work as Bowll is very close to them in the files.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Bowll can be spared by using the Console ACT, then the Clean ACT.

Flavor Text[edit | edit source]

  • Bowll charges near you! [Encounter]
  • A fragile facade. [Check]
  • Bowll is applying super glue to his head. [Neutral]
  • Bowll notices a red object but fights against the temptation to run at it. [Neutral]
  • Huffs and puffs and other stuffs. [Neutral]
  • Sounds like a hundred toasts. [Neutral]
  • Bowll is beginning to put the pieces together. [Neutral, after Console]
  • You step towards Bowll but he backs up and huffs at you. [Clean, before Console]
  • You use your bandana to wipe away some mud on Bowll. He sparkles. [Clean, after Console]
  • You reach out toward Bowll but he takes a step back. [Clean, Low HP]
  • You point out the fragility of Bowll's body. He looks distressed. [Taunt]
  • You snicker to yourself. Bowll doesn't appreciate it. [Taunt, Low HP]
  • You ask Bowll to open up and be genuine with you. [Console]
  • You tell Bowll he's cool the way he is. [Console #2+]
  • You tell Bowll to be careful. He doesn't listen. [Console, Low HP]
  • Bowll is ready to discover his true self. [Spareable]
  • A few new ravines have surfaced. [Low HP]
  • Bowll may break into tears soon. [Low HP]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • You better watch out! [Neutral]
  • You're gonna get the horns, buddy! [Neutral]
  • These cracks are my battle scars. Beware! [Neutral]
  • I'm waaay stronger than you think! [Neutral]
  • I wouldn't mess with me if I were you! [Neutral]
  • I'm only keeping my distance so I can charge at you later! [Clean, before Console]
  • You're not tough enough to lay a hand on me! [Clean, before Console]
  • I didn't know I could reflect so much. Thank you! [Clean, after Console]
  • Take it easy, pal! [Clean, Low HP]
  • N-no! I'm practically made of steel! [Taunt]
  • Y-you watch your mouth! [Taunt]
  • What's so funny, huh? [Taunt, Low HP]
  • But I... I am tough. [Console]
  • Really? You mean it? [Console #2]
  • You're the one that should be careful! [Console, Low HP]
  • This... just makes me stronger! [Low HP]
  • It'll t-take more than that to take me down! [Low HP]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Bowll's quote "I wouldn't mess with me if I were you!" appeared as "I wouldn't mess with me if I were me- I mean you!" in the Mines trailer from 2021.[1] This was changed during development.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Mines Gameplay Showcase - Undertale Yellow (Official) - YouTube