Macro Froggit
Macro Froggit is a secret miniboss that can be encountered in a hidden room in Steamworks by using all three golden items.
Profile[edit | edit source]
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Macro Froggit is, as the name suggests, a giant Froggit.
Personality[edit | edit source]
Macro Froggit only speaks in capital letters, usually separating each letter with an additional space, as befitting of his large size. He is still shown to be a happy frog through one of its lines including a ":D" emoticon. Macro Froggit is visibly scared of Buff Froggit.
Main Story[edit | edit source]
Neutral/Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]
In the room with the time-telling robot in Steamworks, there is a hidden switch on the bottom-right wall. Pressing this opens a doorway in the room to the north, which contains three empty pedestals, a pedestal with a golden flower on it, and a SAVE Point.
If Clover places the Golden Pear, Golden Coffee, and Golden Cactus on the three pedestals (in any order), a large door in the back of the room opens up and a Micro Froggit leaps out and attacks. After Clover takes their turn, or when they try to attack it, it will immediately leave the battle to be replaced by Macro Froggit.
After collecting five green frog bullets over the course of Macro Froggit's attacks, Macro Froggit stops attacking. However, the green frog counter increments, indicating the presence of a sixth frog to collect. Concerned, Macro Froggit emits a worried (but still macro) ribbit, and moves aside for a Buff Froggit to appear with a mega croak. The Buff Froggit has a human form with extremely prominent muscles, and first appears in a flexing pose before extending a hand to give Clover the sixth green frog for "collection time". Clover moves on their own to collect it. After collecting it, the screen fades to white. Clover wakes up outside the room beside a large chest containing the Golden Bandana and the entrance to the Macro Froggit room sealed.
If Ceroba is following Clover, she does not follow them into the Macro Froggit room, and seems unable to perceive the room's existence at all. She comments with confusion if they enter and then leave, seeing them as having disappeared or fainted.
Genocide Route[edit | edit source]
The secret room and the method to unlock it remain the same. After placing the 3 golden items on the pedestals the door behind them will open but no encounter will play out. Instead, the chest with the Golden Bandana jumps out. The secret room remains accessible after obtaining the Golden Bandana in this route, while the door to it permanently closes after beating Macro Froggit otherwise.
In Battle[edit | edit source]
Attacks[edit | edit source]
- A line of frogs appear on the top and bottom of the Bullet Board while flies wander in the middle. Periodically, one frog from each lane will extend their tongues and capture one of the flies while blocking the board for a moment.
- Two roads appear in the board, and frogs in scooters periodically go through them. The scooters release steam that also damages the player. After some time, a green frog which can be collected appears from the bottom of the board and walks to to the top of it.
- Flies swarm the board and loosely home in the SOUL.
- Three boats appear from the bottom of the board, each one of them having four frogs. After approaching enough, they will jump at the SOUL in groups of two. One of the jumping frogs is green and can be collected.
- Two flies (one wearing a male attire and another a female attire) shoot bullets in a three way spread against each other. The male and female frogs' attacks are warned by blue and red attack reticles, respectively.
- The board gains a space background, and a frog in a spaceship appears in the right of the board and it continuously goes forward, forcing the SOUL to move. The spaceship shoots a laser beam targeting the SOUL's elevation. Additionally, meteors float into the board, and if hit by a beam they explode in four smaller shards in an upward arc. A green frog floats into the board and can be collected.
- The female frog reappears with her previous attack. Additionally, two frogs appear on the bottom of the board and attempt to jump one time to the SOUL, similar to one of Froggit attacks in Undertale.
- A frog conductor appears in the bottom of the board, and sends waves of notes to the top of the board. Meanwhile, two rows of “seats” move across the board, with frogs appearing in each of them and jumping in place once. These frogs are either white, light blue, orange, or, for one of them, green and collectable.
- A frog knight appears in the middle of the board and attempts to attack the SOUL. The knight can use one of two attacks: they either jump to the SOUL or send a spread of three waves from their sword. They eventually pose heroically, ending the turn.
- A gigantic robot piloted by a frog appears in the board. It has two attacks, attacking with its fists: the first is smashing either fist into the bottom of the board, creating a shockwave that moves to the other side of the board, and the second is pulling one fist back and attempting to punch the SOUL. The player must use the second attack to make the fist smash into the cockpit where the frog is twice; the first punch will crack the robot's glass and the second will break it. This knocks out the frog, turning it green and allowing it to be collected. The battle ends after doing so. Only the fists have hitboxes; the rest of the robot, including the cockpit itself, are harmless and safe to go through.
Strategy[edit | edit source]
Macro Froggit can be spared by touching five green frogs during its attacks. After this, the Buff Froggit will appear and give Clover a sixth green frog, which they automatically collect. Micro Froggit will run away before you're given a chance to attack, and you will always deal 0 damage to Macro Froggit.
Flavor Text[edit | edit source]
- Big frog. [Check]
- Frog. [Neutral]
- Your head is spinning. [Neutral]
- Macro Froggit towers above all. [Neutral]
- Smells like frog. [Neutral]
- His greenness. [Neutral]
- Macro Froggit reigns! [Neutral]
- Macro Froggit stomps around, shaking the whole room. [Neutral]
- Ribbit??? [Neutral]
- Frog. [Frog]
- Frog? [Frog]
Quotes[edit | edit source]
- C R O A K . [Encounter, Neutral]
- M A C R O C R O A K . [Neutral]
- B I G C R O A K :D [Neutral]
- . . . (Macro ellipsis.) [Neutral]
- W O B B L E W O B B L E [Neutral]
- R I B B I T R I B B I T [Neutral]
- M A C R O K E R O [Neutral]
- R I B B I T . [Neutral]