Golden Pear

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Golden Pear is a consumable item in Undertale Yellow which makes Clover's SOUL invulnerable for 2 hits. It is obtained in secret room of Dark Ruins where the Micro Froggit battle takes place. While under the effects of the pear, Clover's SOUL glows.

Additional Uses[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • When Golden Pear is used in the overworld, a short ditty plays. This also is the case for the Sea Tea and Golden Coffee.
    • When used in the overworld, the line (Overall... Not bad.) mistakenly reads ( Overall... Not bad.) with an extra space. This typo is not present in the in-battle text.
  • Golden Pear's shortened name is Pear in battle and G. Pear in the overworld. Golden Pear, along with Coffee Bean Ammo, are the only two items to have two shortened names.