Blackjack is a vendor in the Wild East who sells weapons and armor. He is the only vendor in the game who Clover can sell items to. He was designed by Figburn.[1]
Shop[edit | edit source]
Buy[edit | edit source]
Blackjack has the following items for sale:
- Gunpowder for 40 G
- Silver Ammo for 80 G
- Fancy Holster for 50 G
- Wild Revolver for 200 G (Clover cannot buy it, as they are a child, but later obtains it from Starlo)
Sell[edit | edit source]
Blackjack is the only vendor where Clover can sell items. Most items' sell price is 15 G, with some exceptions:
- Adult Soda, Root Beer - 25 G (the former cannot be sold in game through regular means since by the time it is obtained Blackjack is either inaccessible or absent)
- Golden Cactus, Golden Coffee, Golden Pear - 50 G (does not apply to the Golden Bandana which still sells for the default price)
- Delta Rune Patch, Necklace - 100 G
Profile[edit | edit source]
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Blackjack is a man with bright purple skin with a large, gray handlebar mustache, wearing a desaturated dark blue hat and wearing round glasses. He wears a black vest, a dark purple bowtie, desaturated dark blue pants, and a black shoe. He seems to be slightly overweight and is missing his right leg, which is replaced by a wooden one.
Personality[edit | edit source]
Blackjack is a typical western blacksmith, selling items like Gunpowder and a Wild Revolver. He's upbeat and slightly eccentric, willing to sell anything for the right price and buy anything off Clover's hands. Notably, he despises the Feisty Four, calling them "five demonic youngsters," before immediately calling other residents delightful.
He can be extremely reckless sometimes, as when Clover asks Blackjack about his wares, he flashes his revolver to Clover, then states that he has better aim with his revolvers than North Star (Starlo). Afterwards, he begins spinning his revolver, causing it to discharge in the opposite direction which startles him, dropping the gun.
He can also come off morally ambiguous, as when Clover asks about visitors, Blackjack flashes a revolver to Clover, while stating that he's not a fan of violence himself, and then asks them to not further question his morality. Furthermore, he states that he makes sure that his wares aren't lethal, but they could be since even everyday items like Ballet Shoes could be lethal as well.
He is also a hypocrite. In his shop dialogue, he mentions he is not "selling ultra-deadly weapons with anyone with enough G." However, despite at first not wanting to sell his revolvers to Clover, he later sells the gun to Starlo for 400G without question.
Main Story[edit | edit source]
Neutral/Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]
Blackjack is a vendor in the Wild East. He can talk to Clover about the Feisty Five, his life, and monster history. He can also buy items off of Clover. During Clover's first mission, Starlo convinces Blackjack to sell him the Wild Revolver to give to Clover.
Genocide Route[edit | edit source]
Like most vendors, Blackjack is absent in the Genocide route. Selecting Steal reveals that he has a safe that he emptied before evacuating, so there is no money to steal. The Wild Revolver is obtained before heading into the town square, so it’s unavailable to be taken from the shop.
Dialogue[edit | edit source]
Before buying something
- Greetings! Take a gander. Just don't touch anything. [Upon entrance]
- Change your mind? [Upon exiting a menu]
- Interested in anything? [While purchasing]
- I thank you! [On purchase]
- I need the proper sum. [If not enough G]
- You have your hands full. [If inventory is full]
- Thank you! I will make good use of this.
- Ask away!
- [The Feisty Five]
- I was hoping you wouldn’t ask about them...
- Sigh...
- Young hooligans are all they are.
- Hooligans I’m forced to put up with to keep my business afloat.
- They have no respect for the fine arms I produce, always waving them around like they’re some child’s toy!
- However, I have learned how to benefit off their behavior.
- I’m the only monster around that provides such quality weapons, so whenever they push me, I push back and threaten to close shop.
- They always crumble and end up paying far more than the weapon they want is worth.
- A little money is worth a few headaches, haha!
- [Your Wares]
- Ah yes, my gallery of babies!
- Uh... That sounded strange... Ahem!
- These beauties are all crafted from the highest quality materials!
- I forge them myself in my personal gunsmithing room!
- Not only do I make them with care, but I also care FOR them.
- I start my mornings by polishing the whole stock until I see my reflection in them!
- I also know how to handle these bad boys. I’m a way better shot than North Star, that’s for sure.
- (Blackjack's gun goes off)
- I… I saw a bandit in my rafters.
- [Visitors]
- The Wild East gets many visitors each day.
- There’s something about the aura here that some monsters can’t get enough of.
- Now, don’t worry. I’m not selling ultra-deadly weapons to any passerby with enough G.
- I make sure my wares are tame enough to not be lethal. I myself am not one for violence!
- Well… used enough times consecutively, they COULD be lethal. But then again, a ballet shoe could also be lethal used enough times.
- Look, don’t question my morality too much! I am not prepared to speak about it!
- [History]
- I heard about this town some years back.
- I had mastered my smithing capabilities and was looking to open up shop.
- As it turns out, there was an empty building here so I thought “why not?” Seemed like quite the perfect town for such a shop.
- Do I regret settling down here, resulting in endless torment from five demonic youngsters? Every day.
- But everyone else I’ve met is quite pleasant, so it balances out.
- [Trying to Talk after the Feisty Four leave Starlo]
- What occurred in the square?
- North Star just walked by my shop while staring at the ground.
- It isn’t a trouble of mine but... maybe you should check in on him?
- If you think it’s important that is. Ahem.
- [Your Age]
- How old am I? How old do I look?
- Believe it or not, I was born with gray hair. Got it from my father.
- But yes... I am what they call a "senior citizen." Which only means I am much wiser than you youngsters!
- Because I've been around, I do have some interesting history if you would like to hear it.
- [Your History (NEW)]
- I was born during the war. Mere weeks before our Underground imprisonment.
- My father was a soldier in King ASGORE's army. And a soldier was all he ever became.
- When my mother got the word that monsterkind had to withdraw, she refused to leave. Insisted on searching for my father instead.
- ...Despite pleas from officers, there was no changing her mind.
- I was promptly given to a nanny and raised in this very mountain.
- But so goes life in such circumstances. Not everyone gets it easy.
- I will say, these kids out here... While they can be bothersome, they are lucky.
- The Underground isn't ideal but from the ripples I grew up feeling, it is much better than the strife of days past.
- I'm thankful for that.
- [The Four]
- North Star's posse are friends of his from highschool, I believe.
- There, they started a club to talk about movies and dress up and go on imaginary adventures. Almost like a permanent Pumpkin Day.
- Some think that they're a little old to be doing such things but it's pretty harmless.
- ...What am I saying? It isn't harmless! They harm me almost every day!
- Did you know that Ace and Mooch installed a speaker system throughout the town?
- They use it to play little jingles and this dreadful song that loops over and over! It even changes arrangements in certain buildings!
- Every morning at seven they wake me up with an eagle screech!
- I've tried telling Ace that it's SUPPOSED to be a rooster crow but he always says "Roosters and crows can't get together like that."
- They COULD if it was true LOVE!!!
- (Pant... pant...)
- ...
- ...What were we speaking about?
- [Humans]
- Humans, huh?
- Well, I'm afraid there's no sugar-coating it. Humans such as yourself are widely disdained in the Underground.
- It's popular to root for their annihilation, even.
- So much loss... So much grief...
- The wicked actions of humankind are forever etched in our history, only to subside once King ASGORE obtains seven of their SOULs and judgment is brought upon the Surface.
- Then you wonder, "How can a town like the Wild East exist in such a society?" Well it isn't without its controversy.
- Most are indifferent, preferring not to acknowledge it.
- But some make their opinions very clear, stating that the town's making light of a serious situation, or even that we're traitors to monsterkind itself.
- Rather harsh, right?
- I believe everyone who participates is just fascinated with the Surface world. Whether it be historical, or plain old escapism.
- There's nothing wrong with finding an appreciation for such things, the way I see it.
- [Your Opinion (NEW)]
- My opinion on humans? Hmm...
- I've spent most of my life disliking humans outright. Justifiably so.
- But... as I've aged, I've pondered over my bitterness.
- Thought that perhaps, this feud is more nuanced than it first appears?
- But even with all my years, I still haven't reached the other side, if I ever will.
- I do know that I dislike the nature that drove humankind to do what they did.
- The violence, the selfishness...
- But that nature can reside in anyone.
- At the end of the day, it's about an individual's character, you see.
- Whether or not they carry civility and respect within their SOUL.
- So far, I see those traits in you, so I've given you a pass.
- And anyway, it would be foolish of me to eliminate a potential patron when they have money to spend, haha!
- [Smithing]
- My life's dedication!
- I work with steel, iron, and even a little silver and gold when I'm feeling fancy.
- Mining Co. is still uncovering many such materials so I buy it from them at the beginning of each month.
- Creating practical and beautiful items from rubble is endearing. I learned everything I know from a job in New Home where I made armor for Royal Guards.
- The head smith who taught me - rumor was that he helped King ASGORE forge his mighty trident.
- Of course, naysayers tout that it's made of pure magic but I don't believe them!
- You do know that ASGORE wields a trident, correct? An absolute masterwork it is!
- His armor is wonderfully crafted as well. I've heard it's impenetrable!
- Such a respectable monster must look the part and he spared no expense!
- [The Feisty Five]
- I wish you good travels! [Upon exiting]
Gallery[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ I can finally share some of the designs i did! these arent all of them, but some of the most notable characters/npcs I made for the game #UndertaleYellow - Figburn (@figburn) on Twitter, January 12, 2024.