Wild Revolver

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The Wild Revolver is a weapon in Undertale Yellow.

Blackjack sells it at his weapon shop in the Wild East, but because Clover is too young, they cannot buy it. During training with Starlo in Pacifist and Neutral routes, Starlo convinces Blackjack to let him purchase the weapon, then hands it to Clover for free.

In the Genocide Route, it can be picked up in the Dunes, on the road just before the Wild East.

When Clover uses the Wild Revolver to attack, six attack interfaces circle around instead of just one, allowing Clover to multiply the effect of their attack by up to 6.

In the True Pacifist Ending, this item falls into the Garbage Dump in Waterfall. It becomes the Empty Gun in Undertale, obtained from Bratty and Catty. Catty says she found it in a dumpster.[1].

Interface[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • If the weapon name in the SAVE file changed to be a weapon that does not exist, pressing the FIGHT button on most enemies does not show the attack bar and deals infinite damage if pressing select after initiating an attack. The exceptions are:
    • Clover automatically attacking Axis and Flowey on the Genocide Route and Ceroba on the Flawed Pacifist Route crashes the game,
    • Attacking Micro Froggit or Martlet in Snowdin crashes the game,
    • While attacking Axis or Guardener on a Neutral Route will do infinite damage, attacking them on a Pacifist Route will do 5 damage per hit.
  • In battles with multiple distinct opponents, when using the Wild Revolver with ammo that creates multiple attack rings at a time (Ice Pellets, Flint Ammo, Nails, or Friendliness Pellets), the damage calculation scripts for all enemies mistakenly use the DF of the left-most enemy when calculating damage.[2][3][4][5]
    • This difference can be easily observed during the battle with the Feisty Four, as Ed and Mooch correctly use their own DF during their own turns, but mistakenly use Moray and Ace's DEF respectively during their team attacks, resulting in Ed taking more damage from perfect shots and Mooch taking less.
    • Ammo that only creates one ring at a time does not have this error.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Since this item is automatically equipped every time Clover collects it, it has no need for an info message and uses the placeholder message.

References[edit | edit source]