Hydrochloric Acid

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Hydrochloric Acid (shortened to H. Acid or ACID) is a miscellaneous item in Undertale Yellow that is required for progression in the Steamworks during a Neutral or Genocide Route. Made in the chemistry lab by combining hydrogen and chlorine, it can be used to melt through a locked door in the same room. It can also be used from the inventory, which causes Clover to drink it and immediately die.

Additional Uses[edit | edit source]

  • Using the Hydrochloric Acid from the inventory results in unique death screen text from Flowey: "... ... Why?"

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The Hydrochloric Acid cannot be dropped or sold.
  • This is the same acid that is in a stomach. However, the stomach has a thick lining of mucus that protects you from getting digested like Clover did.
    • The mucus lining blushes when your face does.