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The Ruins is the first location seen in Undertale Yellow, as well as in original Undertale. Clover finds themself there after falling down Mt. Ebott before the beginning of the game, and it is where they meet Toriel. It shares the first five rooms with its Undertale counterpart, and then Clover enters the Dark Ruins, an area beneath the Ruins. It is the only playable area in the game's demo.

Features[edit | edit source]

  • Five returning rooms from Undertale.
  • Slightly altered content, like a Froggit where Flowey should be and a new outfit for Toriel.

Map[edit | edit source]

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Main Story[edit | edit source]

Clover falls down at the exact same flower pile that Frisk fell down to in Undertale. On the illuminated patch of grass, they encounter a Froggit instead of Flowey, and similarly get interrupted by Toriel. She proceeds to lead Clover through the entrance to the Ruins and the Middle Road Puzzle, and asks them to hit the labeled switches in the Switch Room. However, the puzzle malfunctions and Clover falls down to the lower level of the Ruins called Dark Ruins.

All of the new monsters are found and fought in the Dark Ruins, including Decibat, the area's miniboss, and Dalv, the area's boss.

Neutral Route[edit | edit source]

Toriel and Clover meet Napstablook from Undertale in the Ruins, during Flowey's flashback.

Before the Neutral Route final battle, Flowey reveals that he tampered with the switch in order to get Clover out of the path they regularly traversed. Namely, when Clover left the Ruins, they were faced with significant challenges and kept dying. During the same cutscene, many locations in the Ruins are revealed to still look the same as in Undertale, such as rock puzzle, mouse hole, and Toriel's house. Napstablook is shown to still rest on the same place.

Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]

Toriel watching a leaf fall down the black tree.

During the True Pacifist Ending credits, Toriel is seen passing by the black, leafless tree at the entrance to her home. As she passes by, its last leaf falls down, and she stops and slightly turns around. This signifies Clover's recent death.

Geography[edit | edit source]

Main article: Dark Ruins

The Ruins have not changed significantly from its Undertale counterpart. The malfunctioning switch room puzzle is the most significant change, and the SAVE point at the entrance is also missing. There are slight differences in sign text ("Stay on the road." sign in Undertale Yellow compared to a "Stay on the path." sign in Undertale), as well as modifications to Toriel's moving speed due to Clover's ability to run.

There exists an added lower level of the Ruins called the Dark Ruins, which is mostly composed of large rooms, water streams, bridges, and a small cave system with no illumination. Due to the addition of Dark Ruins, the area is far larger than what is seen in Undertale, which suggests that more monsters had lived here before moving to New Home.