- For the track, see Greenhouse (Soundtrack).
The Greenhouse is a building in the Steamworks. When operational, it was where energy plants were produced. At the time Clover explores it, it is overflowing with the plants, which have spread to much of the rest of the Steamworks. On the Neutral and Pacifist Routes, the Steamworks miniboss, Guardener, is fought here.
Features[edit | edit source]
- The Nails, the second-best ammo in the game.
- A Gravity Granola and Grassy Fries.
- Guardener, the miniboss of the Steamworks.
Map[edit | edit source]
Main Story[edit | edit source]
History[edit | edit source]
As the generator at the entrance to the Steamworks began to wear down, the Steamworks needed a new way to produce energy for the underground. The Chemistry Lab under the Science Division created a way to extract energy from a white plant. These white plants spread quickly and wilted into a dark, sticky substance when their energy was drained. Guardener was built to tend to the plants and the Greenhouse was used to grow them.
The Greenhouse is covered in plants, which have spread in lesser extents around the rest of the Steamworks. This presumably happened after the Steamworks shut down and the plants were left unattended.
Neutral Route[edit | edit source]
Clover enters the Greenhouse on their way through the Steamworks. In the third room, they step on flowers and encounter Guardener. She glitches out and registers their level 3 offense, trampling flowers, as a level 10 offense, worthy of punishment by termination.
She must be spared by lowering her offense level. If she is spared, she realizes that the Steamworks have shut down and she has lost her purpose; she returns to hibernation. If she is killed, her damaged body remains there for the rest of the route.
Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]
All three Lil Bots are found in the Greenhouse after backtracking. In the credits of the True Pacifist Ending, the third Lil Bot is shown placing a flower by Guardener's resting place before exiting with the first.
Genocide Route[edit | edit source]
When approaching Guardener, she is conversing with Axis. He tells her to stay hidden and then exits. Guardener, noticing Clover's approach, retreats into the ground, skipping her miniboss fight and allowing Clover to exit.
Geography[edit | edit source]
The Greenhouse is, as its name states, a greenhouse. Its floor is completely covered in energy plants, some plants dangle from the ceiling, and the walls are glass. Dead robots are found throughout, along with shelves with pots of more plants.
The Greenhouse is made of three rooms. The first contains a dried-up fountain. The second has signs containing a series of letters about the creation of the Greenhouse. The third room has a slightly elevated platform. No plants grow on it except for in designated round spots which Clover can trample by walking over. The second-to-last one has to be trampled to proceed and Guardener is underneath the last one.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- The flavor text for the shelves in the first room on a Genocide Route reads "Getting tired of plants," hinting towards Clover's growing tension with Flowey.