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Flowey is a character from Undertale that reappears in Undertale Yellow. He is a major supporting character throughout all three routes and the main tritagonist, appearing at various points to give his commentary on recent events and SAVE the game. He also reprises his role as the final boss of the Neutral Route.

Profile[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Flowey's appearance is unchanged in Undertale Yellow: he is a sentient golden flower with six yellow petals, a white androecium, and a light-green stem. He can make a variety of facial expressions.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Flowey, unlike in Undertale, is nice to Clover and helps them, following them once they fell in the Dark Ruins. As Clover seemingly doesn't have enough determination like Frisk, Flowey owns their save file and saves the game for Clover. Flowey is also focused on getting you to Asgore, not wanting to bother with anyone else, as it disturbs his true goals of acquiring the human souls for himself.

At the end of the Genocide Route, Flowey finally snaps at Clover for aiming to kill him and reveals that he actually always hated them, and only kept reviving them so he could gain satisfaction from watching them suffer over and over again.

Main Story[edit | edit source]

Neutral Route[edit | edit source]

After following Clover around and helping them out Clover makes it to the apartment rooftops. Martlet asks Clover if they want to live with her, with the dialogue slightly changing depending on Clover's LOVE. Clover can say "Sounds good", "Wouldn't hurt", "...", or "...Okay" but no matter what you choose, Flowey will kill Martlet and start the meta Flowey fight. If you beat the neutral route and reload your game to meet up with Flowey, you will skip the small tutorial that Flowey gives you in the Dark Ruins.

Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]

Flowey supports Clover on getting to their goal. When Clover gives their soul to Martlet and the others, Flowey tries to stop them, reminding Clover of their goal.

Near the end when Clover ends up sacrificing themself, he seems somewhat disappointed. Soon after, he repeats to himself that he knows Clover has to be the key, and has the option to either reset or wait for the next human (the reset or wait is up to the player). The next human however, is Frisk.

Genocide Route[edit | edit source]

During this route, Flowey is supportive of Clovers actions up until they reach the Steamworks, at which point he starts getting annoyed at Clovers insistence of destroying all the robots in the facility and telling them to hurry up getting to the castle.

After defeating Martlet, Flowey shows up and berates Clover over how their actions thus far have caused the Underground to go into a full on lock-down, saying that it makes Clovers goal of getting to the castle nigh impossible. Clover then threatens to attack Flowey, after which Flowey snaps and tries to kill Clover while insulting them and claiming this entire endeavor was a huge waste of time. However, with superior determination, Clover easily deters Flowey's attempts to kill them or to escape through loading their save. Recognizing his fate, Flowey instead resorts to taunting Clover, who soon kills him.

In Battle[edit | edit source]

Main article: Flowey/In Battle

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Flowey is one of the final bosses along with Ceroba and Martlet.
    • He is the final boss of the Neutral Route, just like in Undertale.
  • When saving at the same save point multiple times, Flowey gets increasingly impatient, changing his dialogue.
  • When other characters (specifically Ceroba or Martlet) are following Clover, Flowey does not appear when interacting with save points.
  • Flowey has unique dialogue during no-save runs, becoming increasingly frustrated with Clover over the course of the game.
    • Flowey also has unique dialogue at the UG Apartments if Clover has never died. He becomes frustrated with Clover for not letting him save them from death, asking them to "die a little."
  • The "Clay" petal phase of the Meta Flowey fight may be visually inspired by the video game Hylics, which uses a similar pixel-shaded claymation style.
  • After Flowey taunts Clover near the end of the Genocide Route, he dies to eight consecutive shots. This references Undertale, where Flowey is also killed by eight consecutive slashes at the end of the Genocide Route.
    • However, Clover uses the currently equipped ammo to kill Flowey, unlike in Undertale, where the red slashing effect is always used when killing Flowey regardless of the currently equipped weapon.

See Also[edit | edit source]