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Dina is a vendor in the Wild East. As the bartender of the saloon, she sells a variety of consumables.

Shop[edit | edit source]

Dina's saloon can be found at the top of the Wild East, and has the following items for sale:

Profile[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Dina is a monster with tan skin and reddish-purple hair. She resembles an armadillo with her red chestplate and tan ears. She has multiple real green snakes (not monsters) wrapped around her neck, resembling a scarf.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Much like the other fellas in the Wild East, Dina here has the demeanor of a western character, frequently saying "howdy" among other things. She's also far more relaxed than the other characters, not holding any ill will towards Clover in the Neutral and Pacifist routes. She speaks affectionately of the Feisty Five and Ceroba, going as far as to call them family. Though, like other vendors, she does get annoyed when Clover attempts to sell things to her.

She seems to have a soft spot for animals, adopting snakes named Ann, Sammy and Bert that she found in some crevasses in the Dunes. She mostly has them to keep her company while business is slow in the saloon. Despite other monsters thinking it is weird, she instead finds it to be cute.

Main Story[edit | edit source]

Neutral/Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]

Dina runs the saloon in the Wild East and sells Clover a variety of healing items.

Genocide Route[edit | edit source]

In the Genocide Route, Dina is not manning the bar, allowing Clover to take items and steal 100g from the shop. This includes Adult Soda, which Dina would normally refuse to sell to Clover. Dina can be found at the other side of the saloon. When talked to, she expresses her grief for the loss of Starlo and Ceroba and tells Clover that while she despises them, she knows she'd lose if she fought.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before buying something

  • Howdy howdy, human! Take a gander at my wares. Hard-hittin' stuff is off limits! [Upon entrance]
  • Not interested I take it. [Upon exiting a menu]


  • Here's the menu! [While purchasing]
  • Much appreciated! [On purchase]
  • Your funds'r insufficient, kid. [If not enough G]
  • Quit carryin' so much. [If inventory is full]


  • This is a bar, not a marketplace.
  • Try Blackjack down the road if you wanna barter.

Sell again

  • I already told ya to ask Blackjack about sellin'.


  • What do ya wanna know?
  • [This Town]
    • Oh this little place? It's pretty fun 'round here.’’
    • I heard it was established some years back when the Dunes gained its name if you get me.
    • I should be polished on its history but Star don't talk 'bout those days.
    • I was lookin' for a friendly environment to share my brewin' skills, so here I am.
    • There ain't terribly much to do in this town but that only makes it more close-knit.
    • Every day has been pretty predictable until you showed up.
    • I’m eager to see what Star's plannin'.
  • [Your snakes]
    • Haha, I get this question a lot.
    • These fellas are my pets. Real reptiles, not monsters.
    • Their names are Ann, Sammy, and Bert.
    • The Underground still houses some critters from the Surface like birds and insects.
    • I found these west of here, hidin' in a crevasse of sorts.
    • Some monsters think keepin' pets is strange but I think it's cute.
    • They give me someone to talk to when business is slow.
  • [Can I leave?]
    • You can at any time. Won't hurt my feelin's.
    • Oh... I see. Star's tryin' to keep you here since it's a big deal and all.
    • That ain't right if you're wantin' to go.
    • I try not to infringe on sheriff business but I'll ask him 'bout it soon.
    • I'm sure he means well by it!
  • [North Star]
    • What a character! Our big and courageous sheriff.
    • I get a feelin' he ain't as tough as he likes to play up.
    • But then again, maybe he's just clumsy.’’
    • ’’His whole posse is a hoot. They frequently host parties here.
    • He definitely knows the right kind of monsters to surround himself with.
    • Not to mention Ceroba, his childhood friend. I get a kick out of her and Star's antics.
    • When she brings her daughter into town, it's basically two against one, haha!
    • Now that I think about it, it's been a while since I saw the rascal.
    • We really need to get the whole gang together again!
  • [Trying to Talk after the Feisty Four leave Starlo]
    • It’s probably not the best time to chat. Real worried ‘bout everythin’ goin’ on right now.
  • [Feisty Five]
    • Was all the drama settled? It was real rough out there.
    • The Five are like siblin's, ya know? Every now and then a spat rears its head.
    • 'Course, most of the time it's somethin' like Mooch stealing Ed's hat or Star forgettin' to turn off his "mission machines" out in the Dunes.
    • This was uh... This was a step above.
    • It ain't my business but I'm sure it'll all smooth over in time... 'least I hope.
    • Family, right?
  • [Kanako]
    • Ceroba's little troublemaker. Real cute kid.
    • She likes to hang 'round us and the Five when her mom's in town.
    • Looks dang intimidatin' in a cowboy hat too, that's for sure. Little older and she would fit right into our group!
    • Though I don't think Ceroba would allow it seein' as we might not be the best influence, haha.
    • Anyway, I been meanin' to ask Ceroba where Kanako's been. School field trip maybe? She does like to travel 'round the Underground.
    • Though I wouldn't think she'd be allowed too far ever since...
    • Ah, well, I could tell stories for hours but that's the gist of it, heh...
  • [Government]
    • Heard fears of Royal's bargin' into town? Your presence did cause a stir. Only natural.
    • The government takes human business seriously. Very seriously...
    • I'm sure you've been hunted and attacked a hundred times by now. Happens every once in a while when a human falls down here.
    • Man, if I didn't have a business to upkeep I'd let whoever's wronged you have it!
  • [Government (NEW)]
    • Hey, if you're worried the town's gonna be ransacked, I wouldn't be.
    • Royal's don't come 'round here often. I don't think they much care what we do.
    • To my knowledge, last time any representative showed up was to post a flier on the news board. A notice for some kinda new healthcare program.
    • Ol' Fluffybuns and his posse aren't exactly the most active group.
    • Other than chasin' the odd human, I don't think they have anything else to spend their time on.
    • It seems monsterkind has peaked in a way, so I reckon everyone should just come out here and spend their G on a slice of the Surface! Haha.
  • [Chujin]
    • Oh, Ceroba's partner? Um, well, kind of a heavy subject...
    • He never really came 'round this town back in the day. Didn't like what it stood for. Not that the tension was one-sided.
    • Whether it was politics or an unburied hatchet, Star didn't speak highly of the fella neither.
    • There was one time though...
    • It was after hours - no one here but me. BAM! Front doors swing open and in walks Chujin.
    • He was breathin' heavy, worn n' rugged... Unusual for a cleancut monster of science.
    • I didn't think he drank but nevertheless, he sat down and ordered a cold one.
    • I asked if somethin' was the matter but all he said was, "I believe I've seen a ghost."
    • Weird, huh? Like... a monster? Couldn't be what he meant, right? Who knows...
    • Shoot, I've said too much haven't I?
    • All in all, I wouldn't bring him up 'round Star or Ceroba. There's a lotta feelin's there, ya know...
  • [Chujin (NEW)]
    • Sorry but I need to be more careful of what beans I spill.
    • It ain't becomin' to spread gossip while a widow's still in mourning.
  • [Trying to Talk during Moray's song in Neutral Route]
    • Sorry, can't chit chat right now.
    • I wanna savor this reunion as much as possible, bless their hearts.


  • Have fun out there! [Upon exiting]

Genocide Route

  • [First interaction]
    • ...
    • I ain't gonna make you a drink if that's what you want.
  • [Second interaction]
    • I know what you did...
    • Naive fool... I tried to warn him.
    • And Ceroba...She lost to you? You must be feelin' real lucky.
    • ...
    • I have nothin' but hatred runnin' through me, but I know I wouldn't stand a chance.
    • So here I am, cooped up while everyone else...
    • ...
    • If you aren't going to kill me, let me mourn my family in peace.
    • Star might've only been a target to you but...
    • He was more of a hero than you'll ever be.
    • Now...
    • Get out of my saloon.