Feisty Four
The Feisty Four are a set of minibosses encountered in the Wild East. Alongside their leader, North Star, they form the Feisty Five (Fearlessness, Excellence, Intuition, Sneakiness, Toughness, Youthfulness, and Justice. The J is silent), a gang who rules the town. The gang members, aside from North Star, are Ed, Moray, Ace and Mooch.
Profile[edit | edit source]
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Every Feisty Five member, Starlo included, has a hat and teal highlights in their design.
Ed is a large pink ogre-like monster. He has a circular body with large, muscular arms and small, skinny legs. He wears a fancy tuxedo-esque outfit with the shirt being sleeveless. His face has large bushy eyebrows, as well as a single square tooth sticking out his mouth upwards.
Moray is a blue, humanoid monster with fish elements. They wear a beret and musketeer-like armor. Their eyes are covered by their hair, which is swept to the side.
Ace is a grey humanoid monster, donning a fancy tuxedo and a top hat. His facial features are obscured by a shadow cast from his top hat and a bandanna that covers a majority of his face, with the exception of his left eye.
Mooch is a grey squirrel monster with purple hair. She wears a large green hat with holes for her ears to pop out of, as well as a green jacket with a purple shirt. Additionally, she wears a green scarf that slightly obscures her mouth.
Personality[edit | edit source]
Ed represents the F and T, Fierceness and Toughness, in Feisty. He is also the most temperamental character in the posse, but he recognizes it and states that he wants to work on it. Ed is the first one to speak up for the group and tries to deliver justice by fighting Clover when Starlo leaves the Feisty Four alone with them. Furthermore, he is optimistic and apologizes for his actions, as he tells Clover he is sorry for being so forceful earlier when they arrived at the Wild East. In addition, he wants to learn how to play the guitar, but due to him being bigger than the others, he can not play it.
Moray is caring and sympathetic. They make it clear they are acting for fun, rather than out of malice; this is shown through their actions, such as bringing Martlet extra food while in jail and complimenting Clover throughout the Feisty Four boss fight. They represent the E and Y in Feisty, being Excellence and Youthfulness respectively. In addition, they have a passion for music, as in a Neutral Route where Starlo is spared, they are seen playing the guitar in the saloon. Moray is the only member of the four (not counting their boss) that is known to keep contact with their parents.
Ace acts the most serious out of anyone in the posse. He is seen reacting to the other three's shenanigans with a face palm at the end of the Pacifist Route. In spite of this, he still joins in on the adventures of the Feisty Four. Notably, Blackjack states that Ace and Mooch installed a speaker system throughout the town to play songs, and that Ace debated with him on whether it should play an eagle screech or a rooster crow. Ace is the one that represents the I for intuition in "feisty". He notices smaller details, like how Clover’s hat was worn down before they fight Starlo. He also describes himself as a flat character who does not develop and is unbothered by this.
Mooch is playful and mischievous, sometimes making sarcastic remarks. Mooch is the only one in the group that is said to actively commit crimes, though this is seemingly limited to pickpocketing and thievery. She is the representative of the S in Feisty, which stands for Sneakiness. As Ace stated, she is the only one that never oversteps her boundaries. She likes shiny items, as she remarks that the gun that North Star gave to Clover is awfully shiny.
Main Story[edit | edit source]
Neutral Route[edit | edit source]
They first appear before Clover and Martlet when they approach the town. Moray is the first to spot them and they alert the others. Ed gives a dark joke about them killing the last person that came to town before being told off by Moray. Ace then reprimands the two of them for being so threatening as Martlet and Clover prepare to leave. North Star then arrives and apologizes for how his "posse" treated them before introducing themselves as "The Feisty Five". North Star then realizes that Clover is a human and has Ed grab them, wanting to add them to the team. Because Martlet lacks anything indicating she is of the Royal Guard, the Five do not believe her status and have her locked away.
The Feisty Four get along with Clover, but are increasingly annoyed by North Star's favoritism towards them. Later on, North Star has the Feisty Four, plus other citizens of the Wild East, tied to train tracks as part of Clover's last mission, with Moray, Mooch, and Ace on one side and Ed on the other. After the "test," North Star promotes Clover to deputy, much to the indignation of the Four. When Star leaves to get Clover a new badge, the Four gang up on Clover and attack to give them a real challenge. When Star comes back and reprimands them for this, they state their complaints for the unfair attention Star has given to Clover, with Ed calling North Star by his real name: Starlo. When Starlo accuses them of being envious, the Four resign in protest, expressing disappointment and a desire for Starlo to apologize.
If Starlo is spared, he goes after the Feisty Four and tearfully apologizes. After entering the Steamworks, backtracking to the saloon will show the Feisty Five and Ceroba, reunited and listening to Moray play the guitar. If Starlo is killed, or if Pacifist is aborted in the Steamworks, the Four are nowhere to be found.
Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]
Following the fight against Starlo, as Clover and Ceroba travel the Steamworks, the five patch things up and become a team again. Starlo and his posse go to the Ketsukane Estate to prepare a "Welcome Home" party for Kanako. However, Ed discovers the hidden basement. They do not take the time to watch the tapes, prioritizing making sure Clover is safe. Starlo and Ed go after them while the other three wait in the Wild East. Starlo and Ed reach them at the exit to the Steamworks; Starlo chases after Ceroba while Ed takes Clover back to the Wild East. Moray had called Martlet after Starlo and Ed left; she gets to the Wild East not long after Clover returns. After finding the truth from the tapes, Martlet convinces the Four not to follow her and Clover when confronting Ceroba. The Four eventually agree, wishing them good luck and expressing hope they can play more later.
During the credits, the Four are seen delivering corn from Sunnyside Farm to the Wild East.
Genocide Route[edit | edit source]
The Feisty Four are completely absent from the Genocide Route, as they are evacuated by the time Clover arrives in town.
In Battle[edit | edit source]
Attacks[edit | edit source]
- Ed repeatedly slams his arm down on the bullet board, causing three medium-sized boulders to fly into the bullet box.
- Moray traps Clover's SOUL in between two swords vertically while two balls bounce around the bullet box.
- Ace draws several cards. The cards' locations will flash red three times before moving there. The SOUL must be moved to the empty space.
- Mooch spawns three coins at a corner of the bullet box, before a bag appears. Quickly follow the bag because a coin will spawn at the SOUL's location.
- Two of Ed's hands will appear in the bullet box. If either hand grabs the SOUL, it will return to the center before slamming it on the ground, damaging it.
- Moray will swing their sword, which moves up and down quickly. It will switch between being blue and orange.
- Ace will draw three cards with suits that will target the SOUL's location.
- Mooch spawns rows of coins that will appear at the top of the bullet box and descend downwards.
- Ed and Moray combine their attacks. Moray traps the SOUL between a sword and the battle box wall horizontally while Ed's hand attempts to grab the SOUL. Then, Moray traps the SOUL between another sword and Ed grabs at it again.
- Ace and Mooch combine their attacks. Ace spawns two cards with four that will target the SOUL while Mooch spawns rows of coins that descend.
Strategy[edit | edit source]
The battle will switch between Ed --> Moray --> Ace --> Mooch twice, before switching to Ed and Moray, Ace and Mooch, then finally Ed solo for a third time. Because the Feisty Four are constantly switching out, none of them are in battle long enough to kill.
Clover needs to survive the battle until Ed attempts his third solo turn, the tenth turn overall, at which point North Star will intervene before he can fight.
During Ace's first attack, holding still allows the entire attack to be dodged.
Flavor Text[edit | edit source]
- Time to get feisty! [Encounter]
- The dream team! [Check, Any]
- Smells like teamwork. [Neutral]
- Ed pounds his fists together triumphantly! [Neutral]
- Moray leans on Ed to rest up. [Neutral]
- Moray sharpens their blade. [Neutral]
- Ace is practicing sleight of hand. [Neutral]
- Mooch and Ace are playing 52 card pickup. [Neutral]
- Mooch looks around nervously. [Neutral]
- Mooch looks around suspiciously. [Neutral]
- The four are deciding who attacks next. [Neutral]
- The four are bickering. [Neutral]
- You hold your ground while the chaos unfolds around you. [Steady]
- You fire your gun at the bell. You hear a nice ring. [Distract]
- You point at the Hospital frantically. They don't notice. [Distract]
- You throw sand into the air. Your clothes are dirty. [Distract]
- You smirk at the four's antics. They're trying. [Smirk]
Quotes[edit | edit source]
- So ye're the new deputy, eh? Then you shouldn't have a problem dodgin'THIS! [First turn, Ed]
- Hello, Clover! I'm very sorry about this, but I've been bored all day! [Second turn, Moray]
- Hmph. Good luck. [Third turn, Ace]
- Quit hogging Clover! It's my time to shine! [Fourth turn, Mooch]
- That's fer the train insults, Mooch! Let's see if ya can pass round two, kid! [Fifth turn, Ed]
- Nice attack, Edward! You're doing a good job as well, Clover! Ready for this? [Sixth turn, Moray]
- Now, now. Quit holding back, everyone. Use your trump cards! [Seventh turn, Ace]
- My turn, my turn! [Eighth turn, Mooch]
- Moray, let's team up for an attack! [Ninth turn, Ed]
- Aww, I would be honored! [Ninth turn, Moray]
- Sigh... Mooch? [Tenth turn, Ace]
- Of course I'll help you, Ace! Don't be so kind next time. [Tenth turn, Mooch]
- [Eleventh turn, Ed]
- We ain't done yet! Get ready for my strongest atta-
- [North Star] Hey!
- Aw man...
Game Over Quotes[edit | edit source]
- Heh, how are they gonna explain THIS to the Sheriff? I'd love to stick around for that mess, but oh well!
- I can't say I blame you for dying, honestly. It's four v one out there! Buncha cheaters...
- I dunno if you can take on this posse all at once. Just stay alive as long as you can, alright?
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Ed was designed by Figburn,[1] Moray was designed by Cleo,[2] and Ryla contributed to Moray and Mooch's designs.[3]
- Talking with Mooch after first arriving at the Wild East cause Clover to lose 1G, presumably because she steals it.[4]
- When Mooch flies away from the battle scene after Ed pushes her, she loses 1 HP.[5]
- Moray is canonically non-binary and uses they/them pronouns.[6]
- The cards in the background of the Feisty Four battle have an upside-down Photoshop Flowey design on them.[7]
- During their boss fight, when killing one of the Four in time (using, for example, SAVE file editing), Dalv's death animation appears and repeatedly overlaps itself, the fight ends, and the following cutscene plays as normal.[8]
- However, if Ace is killed during the rotation Clover perpetually gains infinite EXP (and LV by extension) as Mooch attempts to enter the battle.[9]
- The Feisty Four alongside Martlet are the only bosses Flowey cannot copy in his boss fight due to them being unable to be killed.
- Moray's voice is from AWildDaydreamer speaking and Ace's voice is from Shadow the Hedgehog speaking.[10]
- Mooch is not allowed to drink alcohol.[11] This could either mean that Mooch gets too crazy when drunk or that she is too young to drink, both of which have been supported by developers.[12]
- Given that all members of the posse are high school friends, they are close in age.
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ I can finally share some of the designs i did! these arent all of them, but some of the most notable characters/npcs I made for the game #UndertaleYellow - Figburn (@figburn) on Twitter, January 12, 2024.
- ↑ Here's my (non-official) art of the main characters I helped design for #UndertaleYellow ! (spoilers in reply) - TeleviQ (@TLVQ_) on Twitter, December 16, 2023.
- ↑ here's some more progress shots, this is all the work i did myself, and the sprites ingame now were cleaned up a lot by other team members. i think uty is the best example of actual teamwork in a team ive ever had tbh - Ryla (@rylarolls) on Twitter, January 27, 2024.
- ↑ gml_Object_obj_npc_mooch_break_1_Step_0 script, line 25
- ↑ gml_Object_obj_feisty_four_mooch_body_full_Step_0 script, line 12
- ↑ The former - Moray is canonically non-binary (they/them)! - undertale-yellow on Tumblr, January 08, 2024.
- ↑ Undertale Yellow 1st Anniversary Developer Livestream (Extra Life Charity! Donations Link In Desc.) - YouTube
- ↑ Undertale Yellow - Killing the feisty four - YouTube
- ↑ What if You REALLY Eliminate the Feisty Four? [ Undertale Yellow ] - YouTube
- ↑ Undertale Yellow 1st Anniversary Developer Livestream (Extra Life Charity! Donations Link In Desc.) - YouTube
- ↑ I keep trying to sneak a drink from Dina but she won't let me!
It's not fair, being the ONLY member who can't touch the stuff. - Mooch, in the Saloon on a Neutral Route - ↑ Undertale Yellow 1st Anniversary Developer Livestream (Extra Life Charity! Donations Link In Desc.) - YouTube