Ceroba Ketsukane/In Battle

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Ceroba Ketsukane is the final boss in the Pacifist Route and the Wild East boss in the Genocide Route. In the Pacifist Route, she prevents Clover and the others from trying to get to Asgore, while in Genocide, she tries to avenge Starlo after he gets killed by Clover in a duel.

In both encounters, she will shoot countless amounts of flowers, paralyzing diamonds, and rays of red and white light in hopes of killing them. In her Kitsune form, her attacks multiply, and her masks must be shot at to leave the screen.

In the Genocide encounter, Ceroba can employ special Red attacks that will decrease Clover's Max HP. If Clover's HP is 3 or under then the red attacks will kill Clover instead.

Attacks[edit | edit source]

Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]

Phase 1[edit | edit source]

  • Energy Spheres: Tiny balls of light would come up from the bottom of the screen in a pattern; the player should try to remember it as this is the same pattern they will fall in later. Once they hit the bottom of the screen, the balls will shatter, and little shards will fall out of them and towards the player center, where they crashed.
  • Flower wall: in a random pattern, walls of flowers will come from either side of the screen with a little hole in each. Be careful, as some patterns will lead the player right towards the next one.
  • Cherry Blossoms: Cherry blossom petals will start flying around the screen, with a massive pile itching towards the top of the box, forcing the player to go up with it.
  • Cherry Blossom Blasters: Flowers appear randomly on either side of the screen and shoot tiny flowers at the player in a pattern. Paralyzing white diamonds are formed right where the player last stood, and if hit, they are forced to stay still for a few seconds.
  • Spherical Flower Bombs: Flowers will start to form a circle-like pattern around the player while closing in. Once completely closed, it will create an explosion that will damage the player if they are too close to it.
  • Bell Bombs: Giant bells will come onto the screen and bounce onto the left side. Once out, they will explode into blue or orange rays that the player must dodge accordingly.
  • Black Hole: A mini black hole is in the center of the screen and will cause the player to be pulled towards it. While trying to move away from it, the player must also dodge mini flower petals slowly itching toward it.
  • Temple Ruins: Blasts of energy, similar to those in the first attack, go to the top of the screen in a pattern with two temples on the ends. Once they collide with the mini temples, they will explode into mini shards that the player must dodge.
  • Staff Attack: Two versions of her staff will go across the screen in a diagonal pattern. They will then turn orange and spin in a circle in opposite directions of one another. After they return to a standard white, a cherry blossom blaster from the third attack will return to shoot at the left side
  • Final Attack: The energy spheres form at all four sides of the screen and start to spin around it; once they close in, they create an explosion with little shards at the top falling. As they fall, a white diamond will form near the player in hopes of capturing them. The box becomes smaller, and Ceroba starts to hit the player, though Clover's health bar keeps expanding with each hit that they take. Ceroba then tries to hit them with one final blast, though the player shoots it back at her, causing Ceroba to fall back and transform into her next phase.
Ceroba Transformation.gif

Phase 2[edit | edit source]

  • Diamond Shield: A shield will form around the Ceroba's body. Throughout the battle, if the player keeps shooting at it, the red covering will slowly start to cover it until it eventually turns into the last attack of the phase. Shooting at it is the only way to progress in the battle for now on.
  • First Attack: After transforming, she will shoot a series of fireball attacks at the player, each different from the last.
    • Kitsune Masks: Kitsune masks will form the left and right sides of the screen, with fireballs coming from behind them. They will then sprawl out in a circle motion, with the player having to dodge them both.
    • Fireball Lineup: The box will then shrink, fireballs coming from the top on either the left or right side of the area. The player must dodge these as they come through while shooting the masks that remain in the open areas.
    • Spherical Flower Bombs (2): Similar to the ones in the beginning, though this time they will only appear in the same spot every time, no matter where the player is. During this, Ceroba will slam the player to the bottom and form the same circle again, though this time there is no exit. As they close in, Clover learns how to dash through them and nearly escapes.
  • Chochin Bullets: Chochin lanterns start to appear at random points on top of the screen and start to shoot fireball bullets at the player.
  • Chochin Bullets (2): Chochin lanterns will start to appear and spin around the screen in a circular motion. They start to shoot at the player with the same fire bullets, with them slowly covering the screen throughout the shooting.
  • Bombs: Bombs will start to drop from on top of the screen, and upon shooting at them (or letting them hit the floor), they will burst either orange or blue rays that cover up the screen.
  • Fireball Lineup (2): A larger version of a fireball lineup appears, with the player having to shoot at the masks that appear in the free spots.
  • Shimenawa: A large Kitsune mask will cover the top portion of the screen, with mini Chochin floating around and shooting fireballs. The Shimenawa ropes from the mask start to move to either side, causing the player to stay there until the mask gets shot down.
  • Fire-Bells: On the diamond, white bells start to appear on all of the corners, and each time one is shot down, they will shoot a white ring all across the screen. Mini fireballs start to appear all over in large intervals. This attack repeats until the last bell is hit, and the screen fades to a flashback.
  • Shooting at Ceroba: Appears in the same move as the Fire-Bells, you have to shoot at her mask until it breaks.

Phase 3[edit | edit source]

  • Diamond Shield: A shield will form around the Ceroba's body. Throughout the battle, if the player keeps shooting at it, the red covering will slowly start to cover it until it eventually turns into the last attack of the phase. Shooting at it is the only way to progress in the battle for now on.
  • Bombs with Diamonds: The same bombs will start to form around the screen, though this time the paralyzing diamonds will form around the player as well.
  • Fireball Kitsune (2): Same attack from the original Kitsune masks, though this time Kitsune masks with rings of fire surrounding them with float around the screen as well.
  • Fireball Kitsune (2): A Kitsune mask will spin around in a circle with a ring of white bullets surrounding it, as the other Kitsune mask from before floats around with fire bullets.
  • Fireball Kitsune with Bombs: The same Kitsune mask attack will appear again, with bombs dropping all around the player at a more rapid rate.
  • Kitsune Hell Fire: The player spawns in the middle of the Kitsune mask ring, with Kitsune masks from all directions rapidly shooting fireballs toward the player. After this move, all attacks repeat from the former phase of the battle.
Ceroba Scream.gif

Final Phase[edit | edit source]

  • First Attack: After transforming, she will shoot a series of fireball attacks at the player, each different from the last.
    • Fire Projectiles: After transforming, the player will be hit with several fireball projectiles from her staff. Each one aims for the player directly and can come from any direction on the top of the screen.
    • Fire Shower: As she twirls around, a large wave of fireballs covers the screen. When she slams her staff into the ground, two large waves of fire will shoot from the ground and cover the left and right-hand sides of the screen, causing the player to have to dash through the attacks to remain undamaged.
  • Fire Shower w/ Paralyzing Diamonds: Multiple fire showers will pop up from the bottom of the screen, with the player having to move to dodge them. During all of this, paralyzing diamonds will form where the player is and if hit, will cause the player to stay still and potentially get hit. Kitsune masks will start to form all around the screen, shooting fireballs at the player.
  • Fire Shower w/ Kitsune Masks: Like the last attack, multiple fire showers will appear from at the bottom of the screen whilst the Kitsune masks shoot fireballs from any direction. During this, spherical flower bombs will appear again to form all around the player.
  • Fire Shower w/ Kitsune Masks (2): The player will be spawned in the middle of a Kitsune ring, with a fire shower coming up right in the middle of it. After shooting out of it, multiple other fire showers will appear as Chochin starts shooting bullets from the top.
  • Chochin Bullets w/ Spherical Flower Bombs: Inescapable rings will start to form around the player, while bombs start to drop all around them. During all of this, the Chochins start to shoot down at the player from all directions.
  • Fire-Bells: On the diamond, white bells start to appear on all of the corners, and each time one is shot down, they will shoot a white ring all across the screen. Mini fireballs start to appear all over in large intervals. This attack repeats until the last bell is hit, and the screen fades to a flashback.
  • Shooting at Ceroba: Appears in the same move as the Fire-Bells, you have to shoot at her mask until it breaks.

Genocide Route[edit | edit source]

  • Opener: Ceroba uses this attack right after the battle starts, before the battle controls become available. It consists of a diamond that paralyzes the SOUL in the center of the screen, vertical blasts of light that decrease Clover's max HP, then flower barrages from the top right and top left parts of the Bullet Board, and finally orange and blue rings and another blast of light. After the opening attack, Ceroba repeats the following seven attacks in order:
    1. Fire Circle: A fire circle appears in the center of the board, and circles of flowers surround the Bullet Board, gravitating towards the fire circle.
    2. Diamond Attack: Ceroba casts a diamond shape around the SOUL, which soon after paralyzes the SOUL. At the SOUL's coordinates, blasts of light appear (similarly as before reducing Clover's max HP). This repeats three times, with light blasts first being vertical, then horizontal, then both.
    3. Flower Barrage: A flower spews flower-shaped bullets from the top of the Bullet Board, then from the top right, then center, and finally from the top left.
    4. Flower Spray: Six flower-shaped bullets circle the SOUL, then move towards it all at once, creating a blue or an orange circle when they close in. This repeats several times. The order of colors is Orange, Blue, Blue, Orange, Blue, Orange.
    5. Flower Spiral: A flower appears at one side of the Bullet Board and then starts moving around it, while flower-shaped bullets form a spiral shape with the flower in their center.
    6. Jumping Flowers: Flowers appear from the bottom of the Bullet Board, exploding into blue or orange circles once they reach the top and turn around.
    7. Pillars: Four pillars appear at the Bullet Board, and two white bullets appear from the bottom. The bullets then move towards the pillars, destroying them, a blast of light appears at the center of the board, and two more blasts destroy the remaining pillars. While the two last pillars are destroyed, three flowers equal to the ones from the last attack appear, jumping to the top of the board and exploding into blue or orange circles once they reach the bottom.
  • Phase Switcher: Once Ceroba is below 50% of her HP, she blasts one half of the Bullet Board with light, places a flower shooting flower-shaped bullets on the other half, and the two switch places after some time. Edges of the Bullet Board become red for the rest of the battle and reduce Clover's max HP in a similar manner to Ceroba's blasts of light. The regular attack which she was supposed to use had she not gotten under 50% HP that turn gets skipped, and she continues with the next attack in the order. The attacks used in this phase are slightly modified versions of attacks from the first phase:
    1. Fire Circle: Flower-shaped bullets now appear from the center and move towards the edges, instead of the other way around.
    2. Diamond Attack: Multiple diamonds now appear in the same pattern as blasts of light (vertical, horizontal, then both).
    3. Flower Barrage: When in the center, the flower shoots bullets in a different pattern, similar to the one used in the Phase Switcher attack.
    4. Flower Spray: The bullets are now closing in faster. The order of colors is different as well. The order of colors is Orange, Blue, Orange, Orange, Blue, Orange, Blue, Blue.
    5. Flower Spiral: The bullets are closer to the flower, creating less space for the SOUL to evade them.
    6. Jumping Flowers: Mostly stays the same, except this time the flowers fire 6 bullets in a hexagonal pattern at the top of the field.
    7. Pillars: Mostly stays the same, with the addition of the flowers present in the attack now also shooting bullets.
This will be what you see when you get hit by a red beam or touch the walls on phase 2 (genocide)

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]

Focus on clearing out the weeds that make the battle a tough time, like the blasters and masks. Don't destroy the bombs as it'll send out blue attacks. If you're better at dodging, focus on Hope. If you don't have the best loadout or take damage often, focus on Endure. Healing items are a last-resort and should only be used if Endure can't max your HP.

Go back to the Wild East and get your health boosted by +15 in the hospital (30G). The best loadout is the Nails for FIGHTing (which you probably won't use anyways), and the Golden Bandana for Accessories. The Glass Ammo is also a great choice in the first phase as an extra source of healing. If you are planning to kill Ceroba, then use the Coffee Bean Ammo to get a speed boost for Asgore. Stock up on exclusively healing items, full inventory. G.B. Bears gets the job done while being the cheapest option available. (skip the Floral Cupcakes unless you have money to burn)

Genocide Route[edit | edit source]

Make sure to pick up the Wild Revolver before reaching the Wild East, and use either Flint Ammo for raw damage or Glass Ammo for its healing ability. The Steel Buckle is recommended for its +7 DF. It's suggested that you fill your inventory with consumables, with Floral Cupcake and Cinnamon Cookie being the best items, but you may want to save them for later. The rest should be Fruitcake, Oasis Latte, Green Tea, Ice Tea, and if you have purchased many G.B. Bear before, bring these. The three Golden items can be useful, but you may want to save them for the Golden Bandana.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Speeches[edit | edit source]

  • [Martlet] (I see them!)
  • [Martlet] (This way!)
  • [Martlet] (Ceroba looks distressed...)
  • [Martlet] (I'm sure we can negotiate her down from this but...)
  • [Martlet] (Worst comes to worst, we might have to retreat.)
  • [Martlet] (Tactically, of course.)
  • [Martlet] (Let's listen in...)
  • [Ceroba] Just leave me to my own devices, Star!
  • [Starlo] Ceroba, I don't know what you're saying!
  • [Starlo] Please calm down...
  • [Ceroba] I must go to the Lab!
  • [Ceroba] It's where Kanako is being kept!
  • [Ceroba] I have to get there by any means necessary!
  • [Starlo] I'm not sure that's a good idea...
  • [Ceroba] Don't get in my way.
  • [Starlo] Or what? You'll kill me?
  • [Ceroba] I'll...
  • [Martlet] Hey!
  • [Martlet] Clover and I - we watched the tapes.
  • [Martlet] You need to let this go!
  • [Martlet] If not...
  • [Starlo] Why are you here, Clover!?
  • [Starlo] You're supposed to be back home!
  • [Ceroba] No, thank you for finding me. Makes things easier.
  • [Ceroba] If I were you two, I'd leave Clover here and forget about this.
  • [Ceroba] It might not make sense to you, but it's for the best.
  • [Starlo] Cut the self-righteous act, will you?
  • [Starlo] Just... stop it.
  • [Starlo] We can turn this around, Ceroba.
  • [Starlo] You said it yourself that Kanako is alive!
  • [Starlo] Let's just find her and go back to our normal, happy life.
  • [Ceroba] "Happy life"... That's rich.
  • [Ceroba] I... lied about Kanako, Star. I had to.
  • [Starlo] ... What?
  • [Ceroba] Falling down is practically a death sentence.
  • [Ceroba] Unless a miracle takes place at the lab, there's no...
  • [Ceroba] ... There's no hope for her.
  • [Starlo] You...
  • [Ceroba] I-I'm trying to make the best of what I can, okay!?
  • [Ceroba] This is all I know to do at this point!
  • [Ceroba] Kanako...
  • [Ceroba] Kanako is a Boss Monster.
  • [Ceroba] She is the key to finishing Chujin's work!
  • [Ceroba] This is his legacy! His plan for the future!
  • [Ceroba] Monsterkind's only hope for survival!
  • [Martlet] Don't you speak for him!
  • [Martlet] You've seen the tapes, right?
  • [Martlet] Do you honestly think this is what he wanted?
  • [Martlet] Kanako wasn't supposed to be a factor in this!
  • [Martlet] If he were here, the Chujin I knew woul-
  • [Ceroba] The Chujin you knew...
  • [Ceroba] You knew nothing of him.
  • [Starlo] No, Martlet's right.
  • [Starlo] We might've had some differing views but...
  • [Starlo] ...Chujin was kind. To everyone.
  • [Starlo] And I know you are as well!
  • [Starlo] It's just that right now, I...
  • [Starlo] I don't understand you.
  • [Starlo] When I fought Clover I was "reckless."
  • [Starlo] But when YOU want their SOUL, it's "for the best"?
  • [Starlo] Not only Clover's... but the SOUL of your own-
  • [Ceroba] Shut up!
  • [Ceroba] You think I don't know how far gone I am!?
  • [Ceroba] And where's this high horse coming from???
  • [Ceroba] Sounds to me like we're in this pit together.
  • [Starlo] Ceroba, please...
  • [Ceroba] Just... get out of here and let me finish what I started.
  • [Martlet] Y-You can't have Clover!
  • [Martlet] We are going to ASGORE and that's that!
  • [Ceroba] Don't you dare.
  • [Starlo] Martlet, grab Clover! I'll keep Ceroba at bay!
  • [Starlo] Go, now!

[Here, Martlet tries to escape with Clover, but Ceroba attacks them both and they fall to the ground.]

  • [Starlo] Son of a!

[Here, Starlo runs towards Ceroba, but she hits him with her staff and he falls as well.]

Pre-Battle[edit | edit source]

  • Clover...
  • I...
  • I'm sorry for what I've done.
  • I almost wish you never showed up in the Wild East.
  • Maybe then I could've continued to bury my sorrows in the Saloon.
  • But now... I must follow through with my mission.
  • I've somehow grown to respect the hell out of you but...
  • At the end of the day... you're naive.
  • There is so much you don't understand about monsters.
  • What, did you think you'd jump down here and find them?
  • Five humans, living out their lives, unharmed...
  • That isn't how it works.
  • I'm guessing you discovered that truth, right? Then what?
  • Was your and Martlet's plan to storm Asgore's Castle for revenge?
  • Or was it simply to plead for a free ticket back to the Surface?
  • He only needs two more SOULS to shatter the barrier.
  • Wouldn't hesitate for a SECOND to make that one.
  • But... who am I to criticize how he carries out business?
  • Here I am about to do the very same thing...
  • I am a hypocrite. A liar. Sure.
  • But at least I...
  • ...with Chujin's guidance, can save countless monster lives.
  • These two couldn't understand that. And Asgore...
  • Asgore is a coward.
  • Didn't believe in my husband at all.
  • He thinks problems will just disappear if he closes the curtains.
  • I long for freedom as much as anyone but he...
  • He doesn't consider what will happen once he gets his SOULS.
  • Everyone else too.
  • They all believe victory will come easy but the humans I've heard of?
  • They are powerful. Ruthless.
  • As soon as we try to leave...
  • ... They will stuff us RIGHT back into this hellhole.
  • They want our misery to fester until we give up and die out.
  • ...
  • I am no better than Asgore on a scale of morality, I'm sure of it.
  • But what I am, is proactive.
  • Monsterkind is worth protecting, so I will see that it is done.
  • Truthfully...
  • I have nothing left in life, so I've made peace with throwing it away.
  • ...
  • You'll fight back, but you can't forever.
  • Goodbye.

Battle[edit | edit source]

First Phase
  • Why...
  • Why won't you die!?
  • Why!?
  • If I don't succeed, it's over!
  • Die!!
  • Just die!!!
Second Phase
  • ...
  • So it's come to this.
  • My last resort.
  • For Chujin...
  • For Kanako...
  • For the future of Monsterkind!!!
  • [Flashback]
    • [Ceroba] What would you like to wear tomorrow, honey?
    • [Ceroba] Solomon and Crestina are paying a visit, and bringing food too.
    • [Ceroba] I'll help you up and we can all enjoy a picnic on the front porch.
    • [Ceroba] How's that sound?
    • [Chujin] Ceroba.
    • [Ceroba] ... Yes?
    • [Chujin] I don't...
    • [Chujin] ...
    • [Chujin] Heh.
    • [Chujin] This is all so pitiful.
    • [Ceroba] Hey... don't say that.
    • [Ceroba] We don't need to have anyone over.
    • [Ceroba] It could just be us.
    • [Chujin] A picnic sounds lovely.
    • [Chujin] I want you and Kanako to have one, surrounded by your closest friends.
    • [Ceroba] What are you saying?
    • [Chujin] I...
    • [Chujin] Gosh...
    • [Chujin] You know...
    • [Chujin] I never was afraid of it all my life but now that it's so close...
    • [Ceroba] No...
    • [Ceroba] Shut up. Stop it.
    • [Ceroba] Say it like it is or don't say anything.
    • [Ceroba] I can't do this. Not now.
    • [Chujin] I'm sorry.
    • [Chujin] There's something I must tell you.
    • [Chujin] My work... We never talked about it much, did we?
    • [Ceroba] We didn't.
    • [Chujin] When I built this house, I installed a basement.
    • [Ceroba] What...?
    • [Chujin] The entrance is under the kotatsu. Always has been.
    • [Chujin] There, I worked towards a project.
    • [Chujin] Something much bigger than myself. Bigger than all of us.
    • [Ceroba] I don't understand...
    • [Chujin] I recorded a message for you.
    • [Chujin] When I'm gone, I would like you to view it.
    • [Chujin] Will you do that for me?
    • [Ceroba] ...
    • [Ceroba] I will.
    • [Ceroba] I promise you, I will.
    • [Chujin] ...
    • [Chujin] I haven't seen tears from you since we met at the crossing.
    • [Ceroba] I save them for the moments that matter.
    • [Chujin] I'm glad...
    • [Chujin] Because this moment matters a lot to me.
Third Phase
  • What...
  • What was that?
  • Were you in my head just now?
  • You have NO right!
  • [Flashback]
    • [Chujin] Our little girl... Kanako... She needs to live a happy life, unaffected by my endeavors.
    • [Chujin] That is my final wish.
    • [Ceroba] Kanako!?
    • [Ceroba] What are you doing down here!?
    • [Kanako] Is... Is it true?
    • [Ceroba] ... What?
    • [Kanako] Am I... different?
    • [Ceroba] Kanako I...
    • [Kanako] Daddy said he would've lived a long time if I wasn't here.
    • [Kanako] He would still... be...
    • [Ceroba] No, no!
    • [Ceroba] Your father loved you!
    • [Ceroba] And he didn't want to put you in any danger.
    • [Ceroba] You heard him!
    • [Kanako] His dream... All these books and papers...
    • [Kanako] You've been trying to finish it, haven't you?
    • [Ceroba] With my limited abilities... yes.
    • [Ceroba] But it doesn't involve you.
    • [Ceroba] I've been looking into ways to create the serum without a Boss Monster.
    • [Ceroba] I'll... figure it out. I have to.
    • [Kanako] But...
    • [Kanako] I found this in the trash.
    • [Ceroba] !
    • [Kanako] You figured it out. Last week.
    • [Ceroba] I...
    • [Kanako] "Using the leftover ex... extract from the human's SOUL...
    • [Kanako] I believe I have removed any corruption it held.
    • [Ceroba] ... Negating the need for someone pure of heart. Yes.
    • [Kanako] So you did it!
    • [Kanako] Daddy's wish could come true, right?
    • [Kanako] We could make him smile! Make him proud of us!
    • [Ceroba] But...
    • [Ceroba] He didn't want you to be a part of this. And I agree.
    • [Kanako] Let me do it!
    • [Kanako] I want to make things right. Be useful for once.
    • [Kanako] And I trust you to keep me safe!
    • [Ceroba] I... I do believe that the refined method would work.
    • [Ceroba] I just...
    • [Kanako] Please...
    • [Kanako] You promised you would make his dream come true.
    • [Ceroba] I did.
    • [Ceroba] ...
    • [Ceroba] Very well.
    • [Ceroba] But I'll make it quick.
    • [Ceroba] I'll ensure your safety throughout the procedure, alright?
    • [Kanako] Mm-hmm!
    • [Kanako] We'll be the heroes of the Underground!
    • [Kanako] All thanks to you and daddy!
    • [Ceroba] Heroes, huh?
    • [Ceroba] That has a nice ring to it.
    • [Ceroba] Okay, wait here.
    • [Ceroba] You will need to stand very still for this.
    • [Ceroba] Close your eyes and I will begin the fusion-extraction.
    • [Ceroba] You may feel a pinch or two but it'll all be over before you know it.
    • [Ceroba] Understood?
    • [Kanako] Understood!
    • [Ceroba] You truly believe in this, don't you?
    • [Kanako] Yeah.
    • [Ceroba] Love you lots.
    • [Kanako] Love you more.
    • [Ceroba] NO!!!
    • [Ceroba] No no no no no no-
    • [Ceroba] Why didn't it work!?
    • [Ceroba] Kanako, wake up.
    • [Ceroba] Wake up right now!
    • [Ceroba] Mommy's here, come on!
    • [Ceroba] Hey!
    • [Ceroba] What...
    • [Ceroba] What have I done?
Fourth Phase
  • ...
  • So you know the truth now.
  • Are you satisfied?
  • Do you find joy in making me relive my darkest memories?
  • I never claimed to be a saint.
  • I'm drowning in a sea of mistakes like anyone else.
  • But instead of sinking...
  • I'm chasing the one ray of sunlight peeking through the surface.
  • I tried letting go, moving on...
  • But I guess deep down, I'm too stubborn to live like that.
  • This is my fate.
  • This is how it must be.

Post-Battle[edit | edit source]

  • My love...
  • My child...
  • All... gone.
  • Why wouldn't you just...
  • I swore I had the key.
  • Saving monsterkind from their demise...
  • Carrying on his legacy...
  • It was worth the risk to me.
  • But now...
  • Now my life is over.
  • For nothing. For no one.
  • I have done unforgivable things.
  • I let my husband work himself to death...
  • I put my precious little girl through hell...
  • And...
  • Oh god.
  • Star... Martlet...
  • All for a chance to make a difference.
  • A chance.
  • I don't think I can bear this weight any longer.
  • You won this battle.
  • Do what needs to be done.

Flawed Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]

  • [FIGHT]
    • ...
    • Thank you.
    • ...
    • Chujin...
    • Sorry to keep you waiting but...
    • I'm here now.

True Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]

  • [MERCY]
    • ...
    • ... What are you waiting for?
    • Please, give me this.
  • [MERCY #2]
    • Why are you like this?
    • Always taking the high road.
    • Aren't you angry? Aren't you just?
    • Pull the trigger already!
    • Pull it...
  • [MERCY #3]
    • Why...?
    • You...
    • [Starlo] Ceroba...

Genocide Route[edit | edit source]

  • [Attack at Starlo]
    • Star! Everyone's evacuated!
    • Why are you still here? I told you to-
    • !
    • STARLO!!!
    • [Starlo] C-Ceroba I...
    • Nonononono, why didn't you listen!?
    • [Starlo] I almost w... won...
    • Y-you... did your best.
    • You're the greatest s-sheriff in the Underground, Starlo.
    • You are.
    • [Starlo] Th... thanks... for playing a... along all these... years.
    • [Starlo] Now... d... do what's right.
    • [Starlo] Deliver...
    • [Starlo] J-Justice.
    • ...
    • ...
    • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • Why...
  • Why have you done this?
  • Is it because of some personal crusade?
  • Your species already imprisoned us here. You won.
  • I don't understand...
  • ...
  • Chujin was right all along.
  • Humans want to rule over us; control our lives...
  • Even if we freed ourselves, they would only wage war again.
  • If only I stayed here and didn't run off, I could've protected St-
  • Enough talk.
  • Starlo was the... the only friend I had left.
  • What you've done is unforgivable.
  • ...
  • You WILL know the pain you have caused.
  • ...
  • Look.
  • Look at me, coward!
  • The fruits of your labor.
  • Does this make you happy?
  • Maybe if I were to beg for mercy.
  • Make you feel bad about your action?
  • No...
  • ...
  • Once you wipe us out...
  • ...I hope you choke on the dust that will fill the air.
  • ...
  • ...In the meantime...
  • Go to Hell.

Game Over Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • We're so close to our goal! Don't mess it up!
  • You're gonna let this backstabber win? Not on my watch!
  • You need to keep your guard up at all times! Don't buy into Ceroba's sob stories!
Genocide Route
  • Aww, come on! Things were just getting good!
  • Has the almighty Clover met their match? Surely not!
  • This lady's totally predictable! Memorize the patterns and she's done for!

Flavor Text[edit | edit source]

Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]

First phase
  • No turning back. [Encounter]
  • A legacy not to be forgotten. [Check]
  • A chilling breeze envelops the area. [Neutral]
  • Ceroba stares into your SOUL with regret. [Neutral]
  • Ceroba tries to ignore the condition of her friends. [Neutral]
  • Ceroba wipes sweat from her brow. [Neutral]
  • The battle continues. [Neutral]
  • You try to talk to Ceroba but her attention is impenetrable. [Negotiate]
  • You take a breath. The world seems slow, but only for a moment. [Calm]
  • You look up at Ceroba, enraged by what she's done. [Scowl]
Second/Third/Fourth phase
  • Absolute devotion. [Check]
  • A mother's love. [Neutral]
  • Your SOUL pulses with great power. [Neutral]
  • You hold onto your hopes... Defense temporarily increased! [Hope]
  • You think of those you love most... Speed temporarily increased! [Remember]
  • You refused to back down... Gained ? HP! [Endure]
Second phase
  • Let justice be done. [Encounter]
  • Petals rain from the heavens. [Neutral]
  • Ceroba gazes down upon the Underground. [Neutral]
  • Mayhem has been unleashed. [Neutral]
Third phase
  • Ceroba is shaken by the memory. [Encounter, Neutral]
  • Ceroba radiates with anger. [Neutral]
  • You prepare yourself for whatever comes next. [Neutral]
  • A crack has formed on Ceroba's mask. [Neutral]
Fourth phase
  • Ceroba is shaken by the memory. [Encounter, Neutral]
  • Ceroba's emotions wane, but she stays resolute. [Neutral]
  • A desperate chaos unfolds all around you. [Neutral]
  • The end is near. [Neutral]

Genocide Route[edit | edit source]

  • Nothing left. [Check]
  • She wipes sweat from her brow. [Neutral]
  • The sand swirls around you. [Neutral]
  • She stares into your SOUL. [Neutral]
  • The fight rages. [Neutral]
  • There is no hope. [Neutral]
  • You hold your ground against the magic. [Resist]
  • You take a moment to breathe, preparing for what's to come. [Calm]
  • You attempt to belittle your opponent but she's in another world. [Mock]