East Mines NPCs

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Angie and Gilbert[edit | edit source]

Angie and Gilbert (alternatively spelled Gillbert in some dialogue) are a fish-like husband and wife duo who run the East Mines, and the parents of Moray. Gilbert is the mines' foreman and Angie is his assistant, though Gilbert admits to doing less work than Angie does. Both of them are initially found in the mine lobby next to a reception desk. Angie welcomes Clover into Mining Co., while Gilbert (somewhat more nervously) also welcomes Clover and answers their questions about working conditions.

After Martlet and Clover reunite in the Dunes, Gilbert can be found on the cliffs above the mines, having traveled there to investigate the recent falling rocks situation. Talking to him with Martlet prompts a conversation about Gilbert's upcoming retirement.

Gilbert later appears in the Wild East saloon between Clover's second and third training missions. Alongside being there to chat with Starlo about the rock-dropping machines on the cliff, he is also there to visit Moray, and gives Clover his thoughts about the town if interacted with. Once the Wild East section is completed, Gilbert reappears on the mines' clifftop with updated dialogue to reflect the now-resolved situation with Starlo.

Angie remains behind her desk throughout the whole game, even on a Genocide Route, where, not recognizing Clover as the murderer, she offers the mines as a place for Clover to hide out during the chaos and worries about the safety of Moray.

If the NPC Bryan's hardhat was returned, Gilbert is seen in the True Pacifist ending credits handing off his position as foreman to Bryan while Angie and all the other mine employees (excluding Stresso, the Red Miner, and the Giftshopper) applaud.[1]

Red Miner[edit | edit source]

A large red mine worker who is first seen outside the entrance of the East Mines, slowly making their way to Snowdin for an assigned mining job. After the Wild East is completed, they can be found in the Snowdin room with a large boulder blocking a cave, having been assigned to clear it. They are procrastinating on starting the job, however, and warn Clover that it will be a long time before the cave is ready for entry. There is currently no possible way to unblock the cave; even at the latest point in the Pacifist Route, it will still be blocked.

If Slurpy's sidequest was not completed, the Red Miner can be seen in the True Pacifist ending credits trying to free them from the pole and failing.

Quiz Miner[edit | edit source]

A cheerful mine worker who can be found to the left of the very first room in the East Mines. They are quite enthusiastic about their job to the point of not even returning home at night, instead sleeping on the mine floor. This NPC offers one possible solution to fixing the broken mine elevator, that being their Pickaxe as reward if Clover can complete a monster trivia game. Questions in the game are as follows:

  • Who is the current Royal Scientist? (Asgore, Alphys, or Dr. Science)
  • What is most monster food made out of? (Magic, Ingredients, or Snails)
  • How many more SOULs does ASGORE need to shatter the barrier? (1, 2, or 3)

If Clover answers incorrectly, they lose the trivia game and cannot retry. The Pickaxe can instead be obtained from the Green Slime Miner in the same room, or other items (Flint + Steel Buckle, or Matches) can be used to open the elevator.

Once the elevator is fixed, the Quiz Miner disappears.

Green Slime Miner[edit | edit source]

A cynical mine worker who can be found to the left of the very first room in the East Mines. He presumes Clover to be a new hire at the mines and warns them to turn back, criticizing the job and his fellow workers. This NPC offers one possible solution to fixing the broken mine elevator, that being his Pickaxe for a price of 30G. If Clover cannot pay, they can instead ask for the Quiz Miner's pickaxe or use other items (either Flint + Steel Buckle or Matches) to open the elevator.

Stresso[edit | edit source]

Stresso,[2] also occasionally named Kevin in the files,[3] is a recurring NPC that is generally seen in various states of distress. At first, they are stressed about the broken elevator on the first floor of the East Mines, and join Clover for an awkward elevator ride once it is fixed. After this, they appear further ahead in the mines with a relaxed expression and thank Clover for their help.

Stresso is one of the characters tied down to the right train track during the "Train Problem" mission in the Wild East. Once the Wild East section is completed, Stresso returns to the mines, where they are now stressed about completing the day's minecart puzzle and give some dialogue relating to the train incident.

If the NPC Bryan's hardhat was not returned, Stresso is seen in the True Pacifist ending credits being driven back and forth in a minecart while Smokey and the Elevator Slime watch.[1]

They were designed by Figburn.[4]

Elevator Slime[edit | edit source]

A cameo of the Shambling Mass NPC from MTT Resort in Undertale. Much like their appearance in Undertale, here the Elevator Slime stands next to a broken elevator and only has the line of dialogue "As a slime, I'm outraged." Once the elevator is fixed, this line is changed to say that they are overjoyed instead. After the Wild East is completed, the Elevator Slime can instead be found standing next to the elevator on the second floor, with the line "As a slime, I'm busy."

Smokey[edit | edit source]

Smokey[5] is a tall green mine worker found next to the first minecart puzzle in the mines. Though they were assigned to complete the puzzle, they make Clover solve it instead. If Clover asks for help, the NPC takes a drag on their cigarette and creates smoke in front of them spelling the word "NO".

After the Wild East is completed, this NPC has updated dialogue. They have now convinced Stresso to solve the minecart puzzles for them, and continue their work-free relaxing.

They were designed by Figburn.[4]

Bryan[edit | edit source]

Bryan[6] is a mine worker found in the room directly after the first minecart puzzle. He has lost all of his TNT (which was, unbeknownst to him, stolen by his brother TNT Man) and is planning to talk to the foreman about his failure. However, he cannot safely make his way there without a hardhat, which he has also lost.

Clover can find Bryan's hardhat further south in the same room and push it back towards him to return it. Bryan does not have anything to offer in return, but thanks Clover regardless. After the Wild East is completed, Bryan can be found in the next room, still anxious to make his way to the Foreman and possibly be fired.

If Bryan's hardhat was returned, a scene in the True Pacifist credits shows him being promoted to the position of foreman. Alternatively, if his hardhat was not returned, Bryan stands alone in the mines and sheds a tear.[1]

Matt[edit | edit source]

Matt[7] is a rabbit-like NPC located in the lobby of East Mines, near Angie and Gilbert. They appear cheerful, and exclaim how they adore mining when interacted with, but soon reveal that they are very nervous about losing their job, as they are on their fourteenth warning with Gilbert and they heard rumors of him firing miners on their sixteenth warning (which are, according to Gilbert, not true, as he never fired anyone other than the health inspector). In their dialogue, both before and after visiting the Wild East, they ironically remark how they are very committed to their job, implying that they do not like it very much.

Tall Miner[edit | edit source]

A wolf-like mine worker found leaning on a gemstone conveyer belt in the room to the right of Matt. They ask if Clover is a new employee or just visiting, to which Clover can answer truthfully that they are visiting or lie and say they work there. If they lie, the NPC does not believe them, as children are not allowed to work in the mines. After this, the Tall Miner tells Clover about their job in the mines and recommends that they visit the Fortune Teller in Oasis Valley.

If Clover returns to the Tall Miner after completing the Wild East, they tell Clover about their dream to one day ride down the gemstone conveyer belt to see where it goes. Clover can either encourage them or reply that it is a "bad idea." The miner also mentions their interest in seeing new caves and gemstones on the Surface once monsters are free.

They were designed by Figburn.[4]

Snake Miner[edit | edit source]

A pink snake-like mine worker found in the same room as the Fruitcake item. When spoken to, they tell Clover about the mines' mission of excavating minerals for use in the Underground, and then eat the rock next to them.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 UT Yellow: alternate True Pacifist credits scenes - YouTube
  2. Named after their sprite, spr_stresso.
  3. obj_kevin_happy, obj_kevin_backtrack
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 I can finally share some of the designs i did! these arent all of them, but some of the most notable characters/npcs I made for the game #UndertaleYellow - Figburn (@figburn) on Twitter, January 12, 2024.
  5. Named after their sprite, spr_smokey.
  6. Named after his sprite, spr_miner_bryan.
  7. Named after their sprite during the Pacifist credits, spr_credits_MINER_MATT.