Honeydew Resort NPCs

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Outside[edit | edit source]

Sleeping Bear[edit | edit source]

A large brown bear with jars of honey and a beehive tied to its back that has fallen asleep while delivering a shipment of honey to the resort. The bear does not move or wake up at all throughout the entire game, only disappearing if all enemies are cleared out in a Genocide Route.

Blankie[edit | edit source]

Blankie[1] is a fluffy purple monster found sitting by the campfire outside the resort. They have been staying at the resort for two weeks to relax and avoid the responsibilities of their job. They do not mind the possibilty of losing their job for this, saying they'll just live in the wilderness and forage.

Though it cannot normally be interacted with, the log Blankie is sitting on has a face on it and seems to be alive. If Clover interacts with it four times in the Genocide Route after all enemies have been killed, the log speaks, saying "I saw everything."[2]

Blankie and the log they are sitting on were both designed by NoteBlock.[3]

Flame Guy[edit | edit source]

A blue flame-headed monster found sitting by the campfire outside the resort, next to Blankie. They talk about how they do not know the gang nearby and take this as a sign that they are out of touch. They plan on going inside to listen to Rodney's Band, but do not get up at all throughout the game.

An alternate internal name for Flame Guy, "Fireburn",[4] is a reference to an old username of developer Figburn.

Maury[edit | edit source]

Maury,[5] also known as Martha in the game files,[6] is a tall antlered monster found standing to the east of Honeydew Resort, wanting one of the resort's coffees but being too lazy to go get it. Maury is the start and end point of the series of trades that eventually result in freeing Slurpy.

If Clover is carrying a Honeydew Coffee, they give it to Maury and in return are awarded with Donald Glover's lost mitten. After Clover obtains Matches from the two adventurers further back in Snowdin, they can give them to Maury in return for the previously-gifted coffee, which is now cooled enough to be accepted by Slurpy. Maury will then comment on how they want to use the matches to start a fire for warmth, but are now completely frozen from the cold and cannot move.

Maury disappears after Clover takes Martlet's raft to the Dunes, or if Clover is at any point in a Genocide Route.

Donald Glover[edit | edit source]

Donald Glover[7] is a short ant-like monster found standing near the stairs leading to the resort's hot spring. He has lost his left mitten, which can be obtained from Maury and given back to him as part of Slurpy's sidequest. He is happy to have symmetrical mittens again and gives Clover a hand-drawn Snowdin Map.

Donald Glover disappears after Clover takes Martlet's raft to the Dunes, but his aunt, Aunt Glover, can be met in Oasis Valley and will talk about Donald if his mitten was returned earlier.

Before all Snowdin enemies are killed in a Genocide Route, Donald Glover can be found standing at the hot spring as usual, but with more ominous dialogue saying he "[doesn't] feel cozy at all". Maury does not appear at this point, preventing Clover from obtaining Donald's missing mitten. Once all enemies are cleared, Donald Glover disappears, leaving his mitten behind in the snow.

This NPC's name is a reference to real celebrity Donald Glover and a pun on the fact that he is wearing gloves. He was designed by NeroSensei.[8]

Inside[edit | edit source]

Couch Bear[edit | edit source]

A bear-like monster slumped down on a couch next to the resort's space heater. They end all of their sentences (except their last) with a colon. They have apparently been told to go on vacation to the resort to relieve stress, but complain to Clover about monsters causing the downfall of society by shirking responsibilities in favor of de-stressing. Couch Bear remains in this spot for the entire game.

Superfan[edit | edit source]

A tall monster with a hood found sitting at one of the resort's tables, here to listen to Rodney's Band. In the past, they were a superfan of the band to an obsessive and concerning level, but now say that they have reformed. They mention, however, that they'd enjoy the moment more if the band were playing their favorite song (Honeydew Bark).

If Clover talks to Rodney until the song changes to Honeydew Bark ("This one's for all the little fluffy troublemakers out there!"), the Superfan thanks Clover and rewards them with the Band Merch Pin.

Dunes Rabbit[edit | edit source]

A rabbit-like monster bundled up in a scarf and coat found sitting at the resort's bar. They have traveled from the Dunes just for the resort's pancakes, and assume Clover is from the Dunes as well, given their attire.

This NPC reappears in the Wild East after Clover's third training mission, with different dialogue depending on whether they were already talked to in the resort. If they were talked to, the Dunes Rabbit happily greets Clover and gives them advice for dealing with the Feisty Five, telling them to be wary only of Ed. If they were not talked to, they recognize Clover as the human from the town's news and suggest that they embrace their position as part of Starlo's crew.[9]

Hot Spring[edit | edit source]

Theorist[edit | edit source]

A reptilian monster found standing in front of the resort's hot spring. They are hunched over with a tinfoil hat and bloodshot eyes, fitting the typical image of a "crazy" conspiracy theorist. They are upset about the hot spring's asymmetrical torch placement, saying that the "feng shui" is off, before maniacally wondering if there is a hidden meaning behind it.

If Clover backtracks to the hot spring after unlocking fast travel with the UGPS, the Theorist can be found standing in a slightly different spot of the same room. They are now muttering to themselves something about free will and about "following the path" rather than exploring beyond it (a possible reference to the strange happenings to those who stray from Snowdin's paths).

If Slurpy's sidequest was completed, a scene of the True Pacifist ending credits shows the hot spring with the Theorist standing in their spot at the front.

Torch[edit | edit source]

A flame monster acting as a torch beside the resort's hot spring. Though normally hidden, when Clover interacts with the torch they will open a set of doors to reveal the monster's small face and arms. They greatly enjoy the job, much more than other monsters have in the past - likely because their head doesn't need to be set on fire first.

Blob[edit | edit source]

A spherical monster with goggles found swimming back and forth in the hot spring waters. They seem to be swimming for fitness, remarking that they've dropped "a whole goggle size".

Lounger[edit | edit source]

A small radish-like monster found relaxing in the hot spring waters. They have apparently been waiting to visit the hot spring for a long time and are enjoying their worthwhile relaxation. They also tell Clover about the unknown origins of the spot's heat and the various theories as to where it comes from.

The Lounger disappears after Clover takes Martlet's raft to the Dunes. However, If Slurpy's sidequest was completed, a scene of the True Pacifist ending credits shows the hot spring with the Lounger sitting in its waters.

They were designed by NoteBlock.[3]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Named after their in-game sprite, spr_blankie_snowdin_yellow.
  2. The Log That Saw Everything - YouTube
  3. 3.0 3.1 Pretty much all of these I doodled while in high school classes in 2016-2017, crazy how people are only getting to see them for the first time now! - NoteBlock (@NoteBlockRemix) on Twitter, January 12, 2024.
  4. obj_cabin_fireburn
  5. Snowdin NPC (Maury) - @TheVegardJensen on Twitter, July 10, 2024.
  6. After their in-game sprite, spr_martha_snowdin_yellow.
  7. Named after his in-game sprite, spr_donald_glover_snowdin_yellow.
  8. As thanks for reaching over 50 followers I present to you this guy, who I think is the first character I designed for UTY. Me and the devs call him "Donald Glover". He is just a little ant, nothing special... - Nero (@NeroSenseiUT) on Twitter, January 12, 2024.
  9. UT Yellow: this one rabbit NPC - YouTube