Kanako Ketsukane

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For the music track, see Kanako (Soundtrack).

Kanako Ketsukane is a character in Undertale Yellow and the child of Chujin and Ceroba. She has fallen down prior to the events of the game and appears only in Ceroba's flashbacks. She was designed by TeleviQ.[1]

Profile[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Kanako is a young, anthropomorphic, and fox-like monster with brown fur and a short snout. She has reddish brown hair that is tied up with a red ribbon in a bun. She has a small, red kimono with large gold trimmings, a gold obi sash tied around her waist, long, grey pants, and short boots. Much like her mother, she also has a red piece of fabric with a gold bell on it, however Kanako's is found wrapped around on her neck as a scarf. Despite never being shown in-game, she, like her father, has a tail.[2]

Personality[edit | edit source]

We do not see much of Kanako, but from the flashbacks provided we are able to determine that Kanako was courageous, loving, and always attempted to do what she thought was right. She willingly (or unknowingly) risked her life for her father's experiments, showcasing these in full force. These traits are also present in her parents, explaining

Main Story[edit | edit source]

Neutral Route[edit | edit source]

If the Neutral Route is activated early on, not much is mentioned about Kanako. If it is activated through a aborted Pacifist run (not Flawed Pacifist), you can get a few more details about Kanako. Regardless, you can only get portions of information from the Pacifist Route by choosing this route due to Ceroba having no interest in a nonpure soul, therefore not initiating her fight.

Pacifist Route[edit | edit source]

Clover never meets Kanako directly, however can see a couple of glimpses of the past with her and Ceroba during Ceroba's battle flashbacks. These showcase, some point after Chujin's death, her discovering his tapes in the basement; she then learns about his plans to make the serum. Despite many stern warnings from her mother, Kanako eventually convinces her to inject her soul with the extract to help her father's plans, with the intent to then extract the serum from her, however she fell down almost immediately after the injection, causing the plan to fail. It is said that she was sent to Alphys's lab by the time Clover enters the Underground.

Genocide Route[edit | edit source]

Kanako is absent from this route as a whole due to the only encounter with Ceroba being her boss fight.

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Ceroba Ketsukane[edit | edit source]

Ceroba is Kanako's mother. Kanako seems to have a good relationship with Ceroba, as she trusts Ceroba to test Chujin's work on her to fulfill her father's final wish. Ceroba also talks to Clover about Kanako and shows them a picture of her when they take a moment to rest in the Steamworks in the Pacifist Route.

Chujin Ketsukane[edit | edit source]

Chujin is Kanako's father. Kanako is shown to have loved her father very much, as she agrees for Ceroba to test Chujin's work on her even though he specifically requested for Kanako to have nothing to do with it in his final tape for Ceroba. Chujin programmed a custom "Surface Simulator" videogame for Kanako, it can be found in her room by checking the videogame console.

Dalv[edit | edit source]

While their relationship is never stated, a drawing of Dalv appears in Kanako's room. It's also strongly implied that Dalv is the monster Kanako was with during the Snowdin Attack, based on his dialogue during his fight, and the drawings depicting Integrity's fate that appear in the Dark Ruins under certain Fun Values.

It's theorized that Kanako was the one bringing Dalv corn, however this is not confirmed.

Starlo[edit | edit source]

While not much is stated of their relationship, Ceroba mentions that she went to the Feisty Five's house and watched "Aerobics 4 Five" video tapes with Starlo. Ceroba cuts herself off before going into detail, however. As mentioned by Dina: Kanako liked to come hang out around The Feisty Five when Ceroba was around The Wild East.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • In Undertale, Kanako became the spoon Amalgamate that tucks Frisk in the True Lab bed when they rest.[3] Her theme, Tucked In, references this.
  • In the Debug Menu, there's a option named "KANAKO TIME" under the "CHEATS" submenu, which replaces Clover's overworld sprites with Kanako's.[4][5]
    • Setting the "playerSprite" value at the bottom of the Save File to "kanako" also has the same effect.
  • When Kanako is injected with the extract, her soul turns blue for a moment, alluding to the fact that the extract was from the blue soul.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Here's my (non-official) art of the main characters I helped design for #UndertaleYellow ! (spoilers in reply) - TeleviQ (@TLVQ_) on Twitter, December 16, 2023.
  2. she does! it’s just ceroba who doesn’t - TeleviQ (@TLVQ_) on Twitter, March 06, 2024.
  3. Undertale Yellow Chat Request Art Stream with Devs 4/24/2024 - YouTube
  4. Line 324 of gml_Object_obj_debugger_Step_0 (part of the Debug Menu's code) inverts a local variable named "kanako_time". Line 368 of the same script checks whether this local variable is true, and sets global.player_sprites to "kanako" if so.
  5. Line 27 of gml_GlobalScript_scr_determine_player_sprites checks if global.player_sprites is "kanako", and if so, sets Clover's sprites to Kanako's.