Pacifist Route

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The Pacifist Route is one of the three primary routes in Undertale Yellow. In this route, the final boss is Ceroba Ketsukane. Depending on whether the player spares or kills her, it ends with the True Pacifist or Flawed Pacifist ending.

Method[edit | edit source]

Like in Undertale, the Pacifist Route can be done by going through the game without killing a single monster.

Unlike Undertale, reaching the Neutral Route's ending is not a prerequisite for obtaining either of the Pacifist endings.

Changes[edit | edit source]

Snowdin[edit | edit source]

Dunes[edit | edit source]

Steamworks[edit | edit source]

Ceroba goes with Clover through the Steamworks. This results in a different path than Neutral or Genocide. As Ceroba prepares to lead Clover to the Lab, they are stopped by Starlo and Ed, who discovered a trap door leading to a bunker full of incriminating notes while preparing a "Welcome Home" party for Kanako. When Starlo demands to know what Ceroba is planning, she flees through the elevator, with Starlo chasing after her. Before leaving, Starlo orders Ed to take Clover back to the Wild East.

Once back, the others Feisty members show up, with Martlet arriving as well thanks to being contacted by Moray. Martlet convinces Ed to have Clover follow her to Ceroba's old house to investigate while he explains what he knows to the group.

At the estate, they locate the trap door Ed discovered. In the lab, they discover and play the tapes, where it's revealed that Chujin, patriarch of the Ketsukane family, was secretly planning on turning all monsters into Boss Monsters with a fusion of Human and Boss Monster SOULs, to fight another war against Humanity. However, his attempts would fall, and with his dying breath, wanted Ceroba to continue his mission, but to keep Kanako out of the affairs. Horrified, Martlet takes Clover out of the estate and meets up with the Feisty Four, convincing them she and Clover need to go and stop Ceroba. She flies ahead to Hotland while Clover takes off by foot. Before they can set off, they are stopped by Flowey, who mocks them for trusting Ceroba. However, Flowey then states that he isn't going to stop Clover, and is interested in how things play out.

Clover finds Chujin's gravestone to the northwest of the estate, if they inspect it, they can find a video tape. This video tape reveals that Kanako was with another monster when that monster was attacked by a human, then the human swiftly fled to Waterfall. This enraged Chujin and he sent Axis to neutralize the human, which was done unexpectedly fast, much to Chujin's horrors. He quickly hid the evidence and confiscated the human SOUL for experimentation. This monster is implied to be Dalv, and it is later revealed that this human had the blue SOUL.

Hotland[edit | edit source]

At the UG Apartments, Clover follows up and sees Martlet on the rooftop, looking at the CORE. She then explains where Ceroba and Starlo are. Not knowing if she'll get another chance, she states that Clover is a kind person, that despite everything the Royal Guard has taught her, despite being attacked at every turn, Clover choose peaceful solutions every time. She then promises Clover that after the Ceroba situation is defused, they'll convince Asgore that Clover is a good person and they will be allowed to pass, with the promise of meeting again one day when the barrier breaks. The two share a fist bump before heading back down and through the elevator to the West of New Home.

Once there, they find Starlo and Ceroba in a standoff for Clover's SOUL, and the revelation that there is little hope for Kanako without Clover's SOUL. Despite both Martlet and Starlo's best attempts, Ceroba refuses to back down. Martlet attempts to flee with Clover, but Ceroba knocks out both her and Starlo with little effort. She goes on to state that Clover, while admirable, is naïve for thinking that the five humans can be saved, or that Asgore would let them go. Admitting to be a hypocrite and no better than Asgore on morality, she states she will help Monsterkind by using Chujin's work, stating that if Asgore did break the barrier, humans would defeat them again and stuff them back down into the mountain. She and Clover then fight.

At first, Clover survives Ceroba's attacks, but once brought to the tipping point, she assaults them with a barrage of attacks. Before the last hit can strike, Clover unlocks the Yellow Mode and blasts back. Realizing the situation, she puts on Kanako's mask and takes a kitsune-like form. Clover eventually cracks the mask, which causes a memory to play out before the two of them. The memory is of Chujin on his deathbed, who tells Ceroba of the bunker where he worked on his project, with Kanako having heard everything. Ceroba is initially startled by Clover being in their head, but continues fighting. Clover manages to chip away more of the mask, revealing another memory of Kanako and Ceroba in Chujin's bunker. In this memory, Kanako finds out about Ceroba's plan to create a Boss Monster serum. Ceroba's note, that she threw out in the garbage, alleges that she removed any corruption Chujin's previously used serum held, and so Kanako pleads Ceroba to volunteer as a Boss Monster in the experiment. Ceroba then injects Kanako with the serum, causing her to "fall down." As Ceroba lays silently before Clover, she reveals how deep her sins are and is "chasing the one ray of sunshine peeking through the surface", unable to let go, and gets up one last time. Eventually, Clover manages to overwhelm and destroy the mask, reverting Ceroba back to her normal state. As she lays defeated before Clover, she eventually realizes her attempts at fulfilling Chujin's legacy costed her family, and made her attack her friends and a child, for something that may not even work. Racked with guilt, she begs Clover to finish her. What happens next depends on what option Clover chooses.

True Pacifist Ending[edit | edit source]

Most might act cheerful, but life down here...
...It's hopeless.

Ceroba, in Clover's flashback sequence, before Clover makes the decision to sacrifice their SOUL

The True Pacifist ending is reached by selecting the Mercy option 3 times at the end of the final battle against Ceroba. Ceroba, confused as to why Clover is sparing her, is interrupted by Starlo waking up and brushes off her concerns as payback for how he acted back in the Wild East. Martlet wakes up as well and tries to help Clover escape before Ceroba calms her down by revealing that "We had a duel. Clover won." Ceroba then apologizes for how she acted, having been too obsessed in her quest to fulfill Chujin's legacy, before being comforted by Starlo. Martlet also promises to use her Royal Guard connections to the royal scientist to locate Kanako. Ceroba apologizes to Clover for attacking them, stating that what she said back in the Steamworks wasn't false, and spending time with them helped her forget her troubles, with the child walking up and hugging her as an act of forgiveness.

With everything now done, Martlet prepares to take Clover to Asgore and the barrier, but Ceroba shoots it down, stating that Asgore would not care that Clover is a pacifist, and would try to take their SOUL. Martlet, Starlo, and Ceroba all argue as Clover begins to think to themselves. Remembering that monsters have suffered while trapped in the mountain, Clover ultimately decides to give up their plan to rescue the five human children, and instead offers up their own SOUL so that one day, monsters can finally have a future. Despite Martlet and Starlo's insistence that they don't need to do this, Ceroba realizes that their intent is serious, and agrees to take their SOUL. The four then share one final hug before Martlet and Starlo leave, with Clover giving them their hat and gun respectively as a farewell present. Ceroba then admits that Clover has gained her respect before extracting their SOUL. After the deed is done, Clover sends her off before collapsing. Flowey is then heard, expressing his disappointment at Clover becoming "predictable" by sacrificing themselves before stating that while he could RESET everything, he believes that the child has earned their rest, stating that there is always another. Flowey then says his farewells to Clover before leaving, stating that they'll meet again (likely a reference to Flowey's plans to take the human souls). Clover then crawls up the side of the wall to pass away peacefully.

As the credits roll, the fates of several characters, both major and minor, are shown playing out after the trio gives Asgore Clover's SOUL such as:

  • Toriel walking by her tree in the Ruins as its last leaf falls off.
  • Dalv performing on his organ for an audience in Honeydew Resort.
  • Mo's business venture, depending on how many items were bought from him.[1]
    • If 0-3 items were bought, Mo's business is a failure and he sits by himself with a coffee in hand.
    • If 4-8 items were bought, Mo's business is successful, with people lining up to purchase his popsicles.
    • If all nine items were bought, Mo's business becomes incredibly popular and he gets the Shufflers to work for him.
  • Slurpy's fate, depending if their side quest was completed or not.[1]
    • If not completed, the Red Miner tries to pull off Slurpy from the pole but fails, to Slurpy's misery.
    • If completed, Slurpy is seen swimming in Honeydew Resort's hot springs.
  • Bryan's fate, depending on if his hardhat was returned or not.[1]
    • If the hardhat was not returned, the mine workers mess around with minecarts while Bryan stands to the side and sheds a tear.
    • If the hardhat was returned, then Bryan gets promoted to being the new foreman and their fellow mine workers applaud.
  • Violetta with Rock Man, tending to the Oasis Valley sprout. After it suddenly blooms, Violetta and Rock Man share a laugh.
  • The Wild East being delivered corn thanks to the Feisty Five and Starlo's parents, with Starlo having accepted his farmer background again.
  • The Guardener still hibernating, with her third backup Lil' Bot holding her flower and leaving with another bot.
  • Axis on a date with his "spouse" in the Steamworks riding a gondola, with Sousborg rowing.
  • Ceroba knocking on the door of Dalv's new house while holding corn she bought from the Wild East.

In Waterfall, Martlet is seen preparing a small raft to send Clover off properly, before placing Clover's hat in the raft. As she does so, she reveals she declined a promotion and quit the Royal Guard for more important matters. Just then, Ceroba and Starlo arrive, with the cowboy putting Clover's gun in the raft. Ceroba then reveals that she invited Dalv to join the event, before Starlo then places the Safety Glasses on the raft as well. Martlet then places the raft in the water and sets it off, everyone saying their farewells to Clover. After the last set of credits roll, the raft falls into the Garbage Dump, with the hat and gun landing on a patch of golden flowers.

The game suddenly fast-forwards to Frisk's fight against Photoshop Flowey. They call for help, and Clover's SOUL answers it. The game then ends on a cinematic shot of Clover's hat and gun before closing. Opening the game again has Flowey conflicted on whether or not he should try again to get a different ending, or just accept it and wait for another human to fall. Then, the player is given the choice to RESET or wait.

Flawed Pacifist Ending[edit | edit source]

The one thing these encounters never are is "different".
Not in the end.


The Flawed Pacifist ending is reached by selecting the Fight option at the end of the final battle against Ceroba. She thanks Clover for freeing her of her guilt, happy to be reunited with Chujin again. Upon doing this, Clover kills Ceroba, leaving behind Kanako's shattered mask. Once Starlo and Martlet awaken to witness the scene, Starlo becomes furious and lashes out at Clover for killing his best friend, while Martlet defends them, stating that Ceroba was unreasonable and violent and Clover's actions were justified. Following this, Starlo somberly proclaims that while Clover's actions may have been just in the eyes of the law, he does not forgive them and considers them "lower than dirt". Carrying Kanako's shattered mask, Starlo silently leaves New Home.

Martlet guides Clover to Asgore's throne room, presenting Clover to him, which momentarily shocks the king. Martlet attempts to reason with Asgore, pleading the case for Clover's pacifism and asking for them to be sent back to the Surface. Asgore, however, is undeterred, and reaffirms his no-tolerance policy towards humans, saying that Clover is not any different from the others. Martlet is devastated by the turn of events and asks Clover to defend their case, but Clover accepts the fate that stands before them and quietly indicates that Martlet should be on her way.

After Martlet leaves in sadness, Asgore brings the child to the Barrier and reveals his five collected human souls. Clover briefly looks at them and then draws their revolver. Briefly, Asgore gives his sympathies to the child, saying he is well aware of the feelings they are experiencing. He promises he will make the fight quick before initiating a battle.

This battle is different from the standard encounter format of Undertale and Undertale Yellow: while there is a Bullet Board and a yellow SOUL representing the player, no other parts of the user interface are present, including Asgore's battle sprite. Attacks from Asgore keep coming in one never-ending wave, most being similar to the ones found in Undertale, but also including some that cannot be dodged. The player never gets their turn and Asgore's turn continues until Clover is killed, at which point one of the empty SOUL receptacles appears and envelops Clover's SOUL. The receptacle joins the five others, and Asgore apologizes to the human one last time before the credits roll.

Post credits, Flowey is seen talking to himself, and decides not to RESET things, instead opting to wait for the next Human to fall so that his plans can come to fruition.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Sousborg makes a cameo appearance in the credits of the True Pacifist ending, rowing Axis and Daisy's gondola, even though players cannot encounter him during the True Pacifist route because the kitchen area of the Steamworks is inaccessible.
  • When viewing the Stat and/or SAVE Point menus after killing Ceroba in the Flawed Pacifist ending, it is shown that Clover gained no EXP, and remained at LV 1 following the encounter.
  • Despite its name, Flawed Pacifist ending cutscene is considered a Neutral Route ending internally as opposed to a Pacifist ending.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 UT Yellow: alternate True Pacifist credits scenes - YouTube