Underground Postal Service

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The Underground Postal Service (UGPS) is a delivery service in the Underground. Of its various functions, Clover only uses it to receive Mail and Fast Travel.

UGPS signs throughout the game, from Snowdin to Hotland, allow Clover to call the Mail Whale and use the UGPS services.

Main Story[edit | edit source]

The UGPS is the Underground's primary delivery service. In addition to delivering mail at their stations, they also deliver packages.[1] Patrons can pay an extra fee to send priority mail, which is delivered to its recipient without them needing to stop at a station.

At the Snowdin - Forest sign, the Mail Whale flies down and delivers Clover their first letter. From then on, ringing the bell at any station calls the Mail Whale, who will deliver any new mail available. At the Wild East - Farm sign, the Mail Whale alerts Clover that the UGPS has started a new transportation service. From then on, Clover can additionally use the stations to ride in the Mail Whale's basket and fast travel between any station they have visited.

In the Pacifist Route, when Ceroba follows Clover through the Steamworks, she prevents them from using the stations. This is allegedly to stop them from bringing unwanted attention to themselves, but it also prevents Clover from seeing Starlo's warning until she has already left.

In a Genocide Route, after exhausting Snowdin's kill counter, UGPS stations will no longer function. Ringing them only results in the text "But nobody came."

Lobby Lad, an NPC in UG Apartments, says that the UGPS stations are soon going to be removed in favor of delivering mail straight to monsters' mailboxes.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Snowdin[edit | edit source]

  • Snowdin - Forest: In a long hall above the room with the snow castles and three rooms below the Honeydew Resort

Dunes[edit | edit source]

Steamworks[edit | edit source]

  • Steamw. - Commons: Left of the area where Vendy is found
  • Steamw. - C. Station: In the crossroads after exiting either the Factory Wing on a Pacifist Route or the Chemistry Lab on a Neutral/Genocide Route, one room before the robot control room

Hotland[edit | edit source]

  • Hotland - Crossroads: In the central room, south of the UG Apartments

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Locations[edit | edit source]

Other[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • As stated by Mail Whale in the Wild East saloon, rhyming is company policy.
  • Along with letters, Clover was originally intended to be able to receive items at UGPS stations, a feature which did not make it into the final game.[2]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. (You notice the UGPS logo on the crates.)
    (It appears they can handle more than letters.)
    - Inspecting crates in the East Mines lobby
  2. Possibly the biggest feature revealed in the trailer was the mail feature! This is a replacement for the cell phone that Undertale had, which might seem sad at first, but now the monsters you meet wont only talk to you through letters, but they can send you items too! You’ll be able to receive your mail at a designated UGPS station, scattered around the Underground. - Game Jolt