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Mail is a type of item in Undertale Yellow, usually given by Mail Whale. It can read by going to the in-game menu and pressing the "MAIL" option. In addition to regular mail, spam mail has a small chance to be added to the unclaimed mail inventory whenever regular mail is added.

In the Neutral Route, the Steamworks ID drawn in the Steamworks' chemisty lab entrance can also be checked in the "MAIL", where it's titled Steamworks ID.

List of mail[edit | edit source]

Name Content Stamp Obtaining method Additional information
Intro Letter

Come new friend,
right here to our space!
Whether you roam
or stay in one place!
We hope you have friends
with fun letters to send,
and always a smile on your face!
Here's to more mail
without any stress!
Hope to see you again!


UGPS stamp.png
Given by Mail Whale in Snowdin
Spam Letter 1

Hey, you! Are you wanting to
help society? Don't know where
to start? Well here's the: Top
Ten Reasons to Join the Royal

10 - Awesome training courses!
9 - A shiny badge!
8 - Your own area to guard!
7 - A leather-bound protocol
6 - Free space! Insert your
own here!
5 - A weapon of your choice!
4 - Bragging rights!
3 - Free health insurance!
2 - Being more intimidating
than before!
1 - Your own battle-ready
So what are you waiting for?
Sign up today!

Disclaimer: The Royal Guard is a
serious job with life-threatening
possibilities. This list was
created for promotional purposes
only. The Royal Guard is not
liable for any promises
made in this list.

UGPS stamp.png
May randomly be given by Mail Whale This appears to be a spam letter advertising for the Royal Guard.
Spam Letter 2

Have you ever found yourself
stranded in the desert, wishing
you had an air-conditioned room
to relax in? Well look no
further than Cafe Dune! The
most modern facility in the
Dunes! Try out premium lattes
or game it up in our
state-of-the-art arcade! It's
all right here at Cafe Dune!

Located in Oasis Valley - See
you soon!

UGPS stamp.png
May randomly be given by Mail Whale A spam letter for the cafe in the Oasis Valley, which can be visited in-game.
Spam Letter 3

The ultimate question:What are
the ideal proportions for
lemonade? It is a mystery that
has boggled all manner of
monsters since Surface days of
yore. It has bested generations
of royal scientists and yet has
remained elusive... Until
now! Behold! The perfect

22% water
22% sugar
41% lemon juice

Want to find out that last
ingredient? Well why not
subscribe to It's A Lemon
Monthly! Have the perfect
lemonade recipe delivered to
your door: Every. Single.
Month. What are you waiting for?
Only 18,300g for a three year

Order now, now,

UGPS stamp.png
May randomly be given by Mail Whale The unknown ingredient would be at 15% percent. Lemonade is usually only made with three ingredients: water, a sweetener, and lemon juice. The fourth ingredient is either an additional sweetener, carbonation, or ice.

Humorously, since the order is specifically for receiving a "perfected" lemonade recipe over the course of three years, there is technically no point to receive that same recipe again.

Spam Letter 4


please visit blook acres
in waterfall, if you want.....

we have snails.....
they're neat........


UGPS stamp.png
May randomly be given by Mail Whale The mail seems to have been written by Napstablook from Undertale. It mentions the Blook Acres

area in Waterfall.

Spam Letter 5

If you're a foxy monster
looking for love, look no
further than yours truly! I'm an
elite athlete with more G than
I know what to do with. My IQ is
so large, I could shatter the
barrier just by staring at
it. Regrets? My only regret in
life is that I don't own a
dumbbell heavier than 150kg.

I could go on for eons,
but enough about me.
Write your number here and send
this letter back if you want
your world changed!


UGPS stamp.png
May randomly be given by Mail Whale
Spam Letter 6

This is the Royal Treasury
notifying you that you
definitely owe us 700G. Monsters
must pay taxes to King ASGORE
as of right now. I hear you
getting all flustered but I
assure you that I am correct.
Now, insert the G into the
envelope and return this letter
or......Or else you get a life
sentence without a trial. Yup.

UGPS stamp.png
May randomly be given by Mail Whale Based on the tone of the wording and claims made, this is probably a scam and was not actually written by the Royal Treasury.
Spam Letter 7

The monster life can be
stressful, we all know that.
Wouldn’t you like to have a
taste of Surface life? Well
here in the Wild East, we
pride ourselves on being
the most authentic experience
you'll find in the Underground!

Located east of Oasis Valley
- Stop on by, partner!

UGPS stamp.png
May randomly be given by Mail Whale This is a spam letter for the Wild East, which can be visited in-game.
Spam Letter 8

Hello Underground friend, and
thank you for taking the
time out of your busy schedule
to read this message.

We here at the Society for
Monster Health (SMH) are reaching
out for support in our noble
mission of putting an end to
unsolicited spam mail.

This unwanted clutter is an extra
stress and possible danger to
the mental state of monsters
everywhere, in addition to
putting needless physical strain
on our poor mail monsters.

Please join the fight against
this wasteful spam mail by
signing up for our petition

UGPS stamp.png
May randomly be given by Mail Whale Ironically, this is of course, spam mail.
Spam Letter 9

Looking for a job?
Here at Mining Co. we
hire just about anyone
who applies!

Criminal past? Doesn't matter.
Criminal future? Doesn't matter!

We want everyone to feel
secure in our cave away
from home! So what are
you waiting for? Apply
today and help society!

(Disclaimer: Not liable for
any work-related accidents
that may or may not occur.)

UGPS stamp.png
May randomly be given by Mail Whale This is spam mail for the East Mines.
Mo Letter

If you're reading this, it
means you had the pleasure of
meeting me.

I'll make this snappy.
You're not gonna believe
it. I'm selling a new,
premium product for HALF OFF.

I know what you're saying,
"I would gladly pay full price
for your products."I appreciate
that, I really do. But this
ain't the time for high

Just find my stand and
I'll give ya the juicy

Huh? Where is my stand?
I don't even know myself.
Should probably go find that.

Good luck!

Mo stamp.png
Given by Mail Whale in the Dunes
Slurpy Letter

Greetings, my savior and fond
acquaintance. I would like to
extend further gratitude for
your assistance.If it weren't
for you, my papillae would
surely be permanently attached
to that pole.

Thanks to you, I made
it home in time for
supper. I must say , Mother
really outdid herself this
time! The food was
exquisite! Many thanks!
Sincerely yours,


UGPS stamp.png
Given by Mail Whale in the Dunes after completing Slurpy's quest
Shufflers Letter

To our latest Shufflers recruit:
Toast here. There's someone out
in the wild that we forgot to
warn ya about. This scruffy
fella with a blue hat. Don't
interact with him or support
his endeavors. I won't tell ya
why cause this letter reads way
cooler as a mystery.

Now, I'll let Swig finish this.
He gets upset when he misses
out on writing letters.

Yeah, upset.


Swig stamp.png
Given by Mail Whale in Oasis Valley The name "Swig" is replaced with "Dave" if Fun Value is 1.
Starlo Update

Howdy, Clover!
It's yer favorite sheriff,
North Star, with an
important update!

I did some soul searchin'
while staring directly at
the shiny stone on top
of the Mines.

After recovering from temporary
blindness, I shamefully
approached my posse.

Well, I spare ya the
gruesome details (me cryin')
but in the end, they
forgave me.

So the Feisty Five are
back! Now twice as sensitive
to everyones[sic] feelin's!

When we returned to town,
Ceroba and Dina had set
up a party in the Saloon
- which was great[sic]

I really wish you were
still here, but I SUPPOSE
you deserve yer freedom ;)

Anyway, it's all good,
so don't mosey 'round
worryin' 'bout me or

I do have the tendency
to occupy around 60% of
someone's brain after they
meet me...
But I reckon it's time
to let go.

Happy trails!
- North "Starlo" Star

Starlo stamp.png
Given by Mail Whale in the Steamworks after Starlo is spared; Neutral Route only
Bullet Points

The Helper-Bot Guidelines:

Every manufactured bot must have
a practical function installed.
A purpose for being:
(Cooking, cleaning,
agriculture, etc).

Bots should have tiers of
emotion to better integrate
into society.
Coding a personality into
each one is recommended.
It makes them more
personable/easy to be around.

All bots are to have a strong
connection with living things:
(Their creators, average monsters,
other bots, etc).
If deprived of this, some may
become easily agitated
and restless.
Others may be unphased.
Depends on the model.

If a bot acts out of line or
malfunctions, they are to be
shut down. Typically, a hard
reset will do the trick.
Termination is a last resort.
If a shutdown isn't possible,
they can be coaxed back to
their normal state.

Absolutely NO bots are allowed
outside the Steamworks at
this time. Until King
ASGORE is ready to begin mass
production, this project is

6.Most of all, have fun :)

N/A Obtainable by checking the trash can in ??? room in the Steamworks; Pacifist Route only

Dear citizens of the Underground:
We are calling for fallen down
monsters to be sent to Hotland for
important scientific research.

Should you choose to participate,
your loved ones will be
treated with utmost respect,
their condition heavily
monitored, and you regularly
notified of their status.

This is a chance for tragedy to
be turned into opportunity. For
monsterkind to finally see the
light of the Surface thanks to
its citizens' invaluable bravery
and sacrifice.

For your consideration,

Royal Science Division

Royal stamp.png
Obtainable by checking the trash can in ??? room in the Steamworks; Pacifist Route only This letter seems to correspond to the Determination experiments carried out by Dr. Alphys in Undertale.
Mixin' It Up! (Essay)

MIXIN' IT UP - By Dr. Rob

Entering the field of
chemistry can be tough. Maybe
you never went to college.
Maybe you find it hard
to grasp complex equations.
Maybe you were kicked out of
your highschool science class
for "developing poison during
school hours."

We're all different, but we
all share one similarity: magic.
It's easy to rely on magic in the
in the day to day, but have you
ever wondered what it would be
like to live... without it?

What would we do if we couldn't
light a fireplace with a snap
of our fingers? Spawn weapons
out of thin air? Use wings to
soar above the trees? Sleep?

That's where science comes in!
Nature's magic. Elements, or
"compounds" make up most of the
Underground as we know it.
When you combine two or more
compounds you can create amazing
things. For example, by taking
the compound "Oxygen" and
SMASHING it together with two
"Hydrogen" compounds, you get
"Dihydrogen Oxide," also known
as "water" (catchy name, right?)

Here, you try:
Let's say you want to melt through
a high-security safe to become
rich... hypothetically. The
solution you would need is
called "Hydrochloric Acid"
which involves the two
compounds _____ and _____.
Fill in the blanks to
empty the banks :)

D- Unfocused and rushed.
Why did you write a
worksheet problem in
a reflective essay?

N/A Found in a trash can in the Steamworks chemistry lab The actual chemical name of water is "dihydrogen monoxide", but "dihydrogen oxide" is also correct.

The essay mentions pyromancy and weapon summoning through magic, which appear to be references to both Toriel and Undyne.

A reflective essay is a type of essay where the author reflects on their past experiences and how those experiences changed them.

Based on the contents of this essay, the writer, Dr. Rob, is bad with math, has never went to college, was expelled from science class for chemically synthesizing poison, and attempted to create hydrochloric acid to rob a safe.

Slurpy Letter 2

Hello again, dear comrade!
I hope this letter finds
you in the very picture
of health.

I heard word that you
were venturing near the
vicinity of Hotland.

Being that the resting
temperature in that region
is so high, I have
included one premium
Snowdin snow sphere.

I hope it keeps you
at an ideal temperature
throughout your journey.

Next time you are in
Snowdin, feel free to
drop in.

Mother will surely prepare
you a palatable meal.

Sincerely yours,

(The letter and envelope
are very wet.)

UGPS stamp.png
Given by Mail Whale in Hotland after completing Slurpy's quest
Starlo (Urgent)

Hey, Clover. Something's up.

I made up with the posse
as planned. All was going
well, but then I began
worrying about you and
Ceroba. That's when I got
the idea to break into
Ceroba's old house and spruce
it up to celebrate her
and Kanako's eventual return.
Well, when Ed was sweeping
around, he found some kinda
secret room. Seems like it
belonged to Chujin. We didn't
have time to dig into
its content but all I
know is it worried us both.

You may be in danger.

Then again, maybe not.
Just... come back to
the Wild East for now.
I can only hope this
letter reaches you in time.

- Starlo

Starlo stamp.png
Given by Mail Whale after being taken back to the Wild East after defeating Axis; Pacifist Route only
Dalv Letter

Greetings, Clover! Life has
been a treat since we last saw
each other. I packed up all of
my belongings and set out for

I recently found a nice
place to settle down. I think
you'll like it! Oh! And all of
the neighbors moved out with
me.I'm not too sure where each
one went, but I know they are
doing well.

I'm also taking art lessons
from Penilla now. She gave
me the cold truth and said
my art needed lots of
improvement. It stung at first,
but then I remembered that you
should always aim to improve

Ah. Look at me rambling
again. I hope the mail
service doesn't charge
extra for that.

It was nice to talk to you
again! Even if it is over
written text. Please visit me
in the future! Life is
getting a lot better,


Dalv stamp.png
Given by Mail Whale in Sunnyside Farm; Pacifist Route only[citation needed]

001001 100000 1000100
1001111 100000 1001110
1001111 1010100 100000
1001011 1001110 1001111
1010111 100000 1001000
1001111 1010111 100000
1010100 1001111 100000
1010011 1000101 1001110
1000100 100000 1001100
1000101 1010100 1010100
1000101 1010010 1010011
101110 100000 1001000
1000101 1001100 1010000
100000 1001101 1000101

- Axis

Axis stamp.png
Given by Mail Whale in Hotland if Axis is spared The mail is written in binary code and translates to "I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SEND LETTERS. HELP ME.".
Ceroba (Important)


We don't know each other
very well but ever since
you left the Wild East,
I've been pacing around in
my head about your journey
and everything surrounding it.

Wherever you are, I fear
your situation will grow
dangerous. Far more than
it already has.

By now, I assume you've
heard about the King. Well,
each fallen human who has
encountered him in the past
hasn't survived. As skilled
as you are, I don't
believe you would either.
I understand why you would
want to confront him
(believe me, I have my
reservations as well),
but perhaps it isn't the
wisest path forward?

I don't know what you
should do, nor am I
going to act like I
currently have any
influence over your
destination, but your
original plan - avenging the
humans, escaping the Underground,
whatever it may be...
It's impossible.

I'm sorry. A warning is
the best I can do.

- Ceroba

Ceroba stamp.png
Given by Mail Whale in Hotland; Neutral Route only
Martlet's Letter

To: Clover
(who's hopefully alive)

Meet me on the roof of
UG Apartments as soon
as you can.

There's something on
my mind.

- Martlet of the Royal Guard
(Snowdin Division)

Martlet stamp.png
Delivered automatically by Mail Whale in the Steamworks (or just before Hotland, if the Pacifist Route is aborted in the Steamworks); Neutral Route only
Missing Poster
Missing Poster item.png
N/A Obtained in the Steamworks, in a room just before where Axis is fought, following a dialogue with Flowey; Neutral Route only The absence of notification about obtaining the poster implies that Flowey discreetly gave it to Clover, to remind them of their goal.

It's the same poster that Clover loses after falling down into the Dark Ruins.

Resort Letter

Hello, appreciated guest!

We greatly enjoyed your company
at The Honeydew Resort (Snowdin
Establishment)! You can always
count on us for quality time
with the whole family! From our
relaxing hot spring, to our
live music, there's a little
something for everyone!

We hope to see you again,
anonymous citizen of the

-The Honeydew Family

UGPS stamp.png

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The only mail obtainable on the Genocide Route are the Intro Letter, Mixin' It Up! (Essay) and Spam Letters, since Slurpy's quest is inaccessible and Mail Whale stops appearing after the kill count for Snowdin is exhausted.
  • In the Snowdin trailer, the mail feature was revealed for the first time.[1] Three mail messages were used as an example: a slightly different version of the Intro Letter, an excerpt from the Wikipedia's Cowboy article, and a variation of Undertale's introduction screen, saying: Wong ago, two waces wuwed uwv Eawth: HUMANS and MONSTEWS. Ony day, waw bwoke out between the two waces. Aftew a wong battwe, the humans weww victowious. They seawed the monsters undewgwoundwith a magic speww.
  • There is a glitch where, when pinning a letter and then dropping it, the spot is left blank but still interactable. Interestingly, even if you unpin the letter, the blank spot persists. When read, it displays the words 'Mail Text' and the default stamp next to it.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Undertale Yellow - Snowdin Trailer - YouTube