Mew Mew Love Blaster!

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Avoid sadness, spread the joy!

The game's instructions

Mew Mew Love Blaster! is a minigame that can be played for 3G in the Café Dune in the Oasis Valley. It can be accessed via an arcade machine in the corner of the building.

Main Story[edit | edit source]

According to the "Mysteries of the Underground" book, Mew Mew Love Blaster! was created by Team Y and Blunko Industries, two human companies who also created the arcade machine next to it, and then retrieved from the Garbage Dump by monsters.[1]

The Gamer Kid NPC playing what appears to be a racing game nearby hints at the existence of the game's final boss, stating how they've never seen anyone reach it.[2] In the Wild East, the Gamer NPC states how they've studied deep lore of the game, and is enraged by people on the Undernet avoiding powerups and using incorrect terminology.[3]

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Within the minigame, the player controls the titular Mew Mew, a character returning from Undertale. It's seemingly an early tutorial as to the mechanics of Clover's abilities toward the end of each run of the game. Moving through the stage with your arrow keys, Mew Mew has a few abilities at her arsenal. Pressing 'X' triggers a dash, and holding 'Z' fires "joy" at the enemies. Enemies fly in from the top of the stage and fire "sadness" at Mew Mew. Shew can sustain three hits from "sadness" before perishing. Finally, there are upgrades that occasionally fall from the top of the stage. These upgrades can radically change the way Mew Mew's attacks operate:

  • A blue upgrade radically increases Mew Mew's attack speed, cued by the voiceline “Rapid Fire!”.
  • A red upgrade turns Mew Mew's attack into a three-way spread shot, cued by the voiceline "Spread the Love!"

Progression[edit | edit source]

The game spawns witches and bats as normal until the player reaches 300, 700, or 1000 points. At both 300 and 700 points, a samurai boss will spawn in the center of the screen, stopping all normal spawning until it is defeated. They are worth 80 points when defeated, and they occasionally summon three slow homing projectiles that seek the player. Once they are defeated, the game proceeds as normal until the next point threshold. At 1000 points, the final boss spawns, a large bat that takes up most of the horizontal area at the top of the screen that repeatedly fires at the player, occasionally summoning two bats to aid it and sometimes crying tears that explode into smaller projectiles in a circle. Once you defeat the boss, you earn 500 points and win the game.

Tips[edit | edit source]

The bats also hold still for a second before firing, make sure to target them if they suddenly stopped.

Bats only fire once before leaving the screen.

Touching enemies also makes you lose life.

There is an upgrade that make your bullets spread.

Enemies fire inaccurate shots and usually at random except for bosses, so it's a good idea to hold still and not move for the most of the game.

Holding Z gives you an extra attack when releasing.

You can easily defeat the Samurai bosses by simply circling them, charging a piercing shot when moving around them and firing once in front of them. The piercing shot hits them multiple times, and you can move faster than the projectiles they fire, so you are practically guaranteed an easy victory.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. On the cabinet, two logos reside: Team Y and Blunko Industries.
    The same two human companies that created the Mew Mew Love Blaster cabinet.
    Legends say it was playable for a time after it was recovered from the dump...
    - Mysteries of the Underground Chapter 1: Blunko's Blunder
  2. Have you tried out Mew Mew Love Blaster? It's addicting!
    I suck at it though.
    I hear there's a final boss but I've never seen anyone reach it.
    - Gamer Kid on their first interaction
  3. There's these videos on Undernet of monsters playing Love Blaster.
    I'll tell ya what, they're playing it all wrong!
    You're supposed to GRAB the powerups, not avoid them!!
    Also, Mew mew doesn't "shoot bullets", she spreads joy
    It's so obvious they haven't studied the deep lore like I have.
    - Gamer NPC in the Wild East