Ketsukane Estate

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The Ketsukane Estate is a mansion in the Oasis Valley in the Dunes. It is the former home of Chujin, Ceroba, and Kanako Ketsukane as well as the location of Chujin's grave. While inaccessible in the Neutral and Genocide Routes, it is a key location in the Pacifist Route.

Features[edit | edit source]

  • Environmental storytelling showing the former lives of the Ketsukanes.
  • Corn Chowder, a healing item, and the PSA, a letter.
  • The secret Videotape with information about Integrity.

Map[edit | edit source]

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Main Story[edit | edit source]

The Ketsukane Estate was built entirely by Chujin. Martlet comments that the estate would have taken years to build if built without magic.[1] During its construction, Chujin built a secret basement at the heart of the estate which he did not use until later. The mansion's size was meant to accommodate a larger family that never came to fruition. It is implied that Ceroba did not have much input on its construction[2] and Kanako chose her own room.[3] A few weeks before the game begins and some time after Kanako fell down, Ceroba moved out of the estate to live in the Feisty Five's house in the Wild East.

During the game, the Ketsukane Estate is blocked off until after completing the Steamworks on the Pacifist Route. Starlo and Ed open the gate and enter the house to prepare it for Kanako's return from The Lab. They accidentally find Chujin's study and leave to rescue Clover. After retrieving them, Clover and Martlet enter the estate to learn Ceroba's plan.

Geography[edit | edit source]

Outdoors[edit | edit source]

The Ketsukane Estate is a large wooden manor. A porch circles the estate with potted plants and bags of dirt in disrepair. Several large windows look into the house. One of them has a falling apart paper cutout of people strung above it. The roof is decorated with a golden stripe pattern and tipped with the fox head of the Founder's Crest at the edges.

A path leads to the estate from Oasis Valley. The entrance is blocked by a metal gate attached to a torii. They are both decorated with a ribbon and bell symbol.

The sand path transitions to a cobblestone path closer to the estate. The fence is made of connected stone lanterns; it borders paths to the east and west of the mansion, though the western path is blocked off by a pile of sand. Small patches of grass grow outside. Disturbed dirt and a number of dead trees are in the front yard, likely Chujin's former garden.[4] The path to the east turns north and leads to Chujin's grave.

Chujin's grave.

The path to Chujin's grave is made entirely of sand. The environment gets darker further north until reaching the edge of the cliff where the memorial is. It is surrounded by bushes, grass, and flowers, as well as a sakura tree drooping overhead. The grave is lit from behind, though there are candles around the base, as well as a small moat of water. A few gems are embedded in the cave ceiling, and what appears to be the CORE is visible in the distance. Clover can pick up the Videotape by interacting with the back of the grave.

Interior[edit | edit source]

The foyer contains the mansions's SAVE point. Underneath the SAVE point is a rug patterned with the Founder's Crest above a mountain. The room has sliding doors to the west and east hallways, as well as a locked door to the dining room. The doors are decorated with cherry blossom patterns, and the northern one has a ribbon and bell figure hanging over it.

The west and east paths form a mostly symmetrical loop that both end in the dining room. Both hallways to the dining room have potted plants and the Founder's Crest on the wall. Outside of the foyer, the walls have dark green wallpaper with plant decorations. There are also bamboo plants growing in pots on the ground and smaller plants growing from pots on shelves.

West[edit | edit source]

The west path leads to a hallway with pictures on the walls and drawers with junk.

The hallway has a locked door near the entrance. The hallway turns north and splits into three paths: Kanako's room, Chujin's office, and the hallway to the dining room.

Kanako's room is up a flight of stairs in the northwest corner of the estate. She has toys and books in crates on the floor. Her bed is in the center of the room, and a window above it casts light from the swelterstone. A rug underneath it is patterned with a monster SOUL and stars. She has two dressers, one of which has a television on it. It has a game console with a "Surface Tycoon" game made for her by Chujin. She also has many drawings around her room. The recognizable ones contain:

Chujin's office is behind a door in the hallway. It has tiled floors, unlike most of the mansion's wooden flooring. Wires feed into a computer at the center of the room. Bits of robots are scattered around the office. Bookshelves with textbooks and cabinets with thesis papers and files line the walls. One of the books contains the blueprints to New Home, designed by Chujin's father. Above the computer in the center of the office is a map of the Underground, annotated with the locations of the five humans' deaths. Papers are piled on top of the bookshelves and hang from various parts of the office. He also has a drawing of him, made by Kanako, hanging off a shelf.

East[edit | edit source]

The family photo on Ceroba and Chujin's nightstand.

Going to the east hallway instead of the west at the start leads to a mirror image of the west hallway. The door that was locked on the west is the door to Ceroba and Chujin's bedroom on this side. They have a family photo on their nightstand and a PSA for the fallen down in the drawer. The side of the room has a closet full of Ceroba's clothes, all almost identical except for her Café Dune uniform.[5] The flavor text says Chujin's outfits are behind Ceroba's. Chujin's zabuton is also in the closet.[6]

The hallway ends in the kitchen. Corn Chowder from several weeks ago can be picked up from the fridge.

North[edit | edit source]

The dining room has a lit fireplace. On top of the mantelpiece are framed photos, a landscape of a mountain, and a specific spot where Kanako's mask used to rest.[7] The center has two zabuton on either end of a kotatsu on a rug. Underneath the rug is a trapdoor to Chujin's study.

Chujin's Study[edit | edit source]

Chujin's study is a basement under the kotatsu. A hallway with decrepit robots and papers leads to the center of the room. Papers about SOUL research lie on the floor and books on SOUL research line the shelves. Various parts from earlier Axis models are scattered around the whole room. In the center of the room is a television monitor with VHS tapes nearby containing Chujin's documentation of his research. This monitor is the center of a Fun event.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Chujin and Kanako's influence can be seen in much of the estate. Not only does Kanako have her own room and Chujin have two offices, but Chujin's family crest and Kanako's art are both in various places throughout. Despite this, nothing in the design of the estate is identifiable as specifically Ceroba's.
  • Since Starlo was able to open the gate, he presumably has a key to Ceroba's house.
  • There are several parallels between the design of Chujin's office and study.
    • The placement and design of the bookshelves are the same in both rooms.
    • The office has a drawer of videotapes on the right side labelled "home videos" while the study has a drawer of videotapes on the left side labelled "legacy."
    • The office has a robot on the right side with a smile on its chest while the study has a robot on the left side with a frown on its chest.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "Talk about extravagant!
    This must've taken years to build...
    Well, if it were done traditionally.
    Maybe magic had something to do with it?"
    - Martlet's Talk option in rm_mansion_entrance
  2. "We probably should've held onto Chujin's earnings but...
    He had this dream of building a big house for our family.
    Followed through with it too. Turned out beautifully.
    At first I thought the size was a bit overkill but..."
    - Ceroba's Talk option in rm_steamworks_factory_02
  3. "I'm a bit surprised Kanako wanted this room." - Martlet's Talk option in rm_mansion_kanakos_room
  4. At my old home, Chujin planted a garden.
    It was a work of compassion. Beautiful.
    Almost like a reflection of his own SOUL.
    ...When his health began to deteriorate... so did the garden.
    - Ceroba's Talk option in rm_steamworks_27
  5. The smaller whiter dress on our far lest was her waitress outfit when she used to work at Café Dune. Inspired by those like 1950's car diner restaurants. - AeroArtwork (@AeroArtwork) on Twitter, October 18, 2024.
  6. Fun little UTY fact that I don't think anyone picked up on. The little pillow/mat in Cerobas Closet is actually Chujins kotatsu mat. No need to have it out there when there not around anymore. - AeroArtwork (@AeroArtwork) on Twitter, October 18, 2024.
  7. - Undertale Yellow team (@UndertaleYellow) on Twitter, August 19, 2023.